宮寺 良光
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.18, no.27, pp.103-111, 2016-03

本稿の目的は、貧困問題の地域的特徴を分析し、生活困窮者支援のあり方について検討することにある。 貧困基準は今日、相対的貧困という観点から捉えることが主流である。わが国でもこの状態に置かれる人々が増加し、付随して社会的排除や潜在能力の欠如という問題に直面している。これらの貧困問題を地域別に分析し、地域課題を考察する。 The purposes of this paper are to analyze the regional structure of poverty and to consider the method of support to needy persons. It is the mainstream view to consider poverty from the perspective of relative poverty. In Japan, the people who are also in a state of relative poverty keep increasing, and they're faced with the problems of "social exclusion" and a lack of "capabilities". The targets are to analyze regional structures of these problems of the poor and consider regional Issues.
鈴木 眞理子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.7, no.2, pp.31-41, 2005-03

In the previous article (Suzuki, 2003), there introduced two high school graduates who had no knowledge on welfare, but started acquiring professional skill and knowledge enthusiastically through their work. We followed how they become qualified as social workers. They learned to gain professional knowledge and more they leveled up more they had incentive. After they became qualified, they still grew up as well-experienced workers. In present two cases, they start from actual workers without much professional knowledge but eventually they acquire national qualification as social workers. That gives them self esteem and high level of profession. In other words, qualification has more meaning than only gaining skill and knowledge. It gives satisfaction to the ones who acquired the qualification and that leads to their self esteem on their work. This has a good effect on the quality of their work because more confident social workers become, they serve better. There is also a fact that qualification changes nothing in what they can do compared with other qualification which legally allows the profession such as lawyers and doctors. However, qualified social workers tend to be proud of their work and skill. The workers brush up their skill and as a result they are accepted as skilled and experienced workers. There are also qualified social workers who graduated from non-welfare department, but happened to start working as social workers. Although they are similar to the workers in previos article, some differences are discussed.
菊池 章夫
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.6, no.2, pp.41-51, 2004-03-30

Over 60 articles and presentations using KiSS-18 (Kikuchi's Scale of Social Skills : 18 items) were critically reviewed. KiSS-18 has been widely used in different research areas ; social, clinical, industrial, and educational psychology as well as nurse-education. Those researches suggest that this scale is highly reliable and valid, and also would be useful to other research topics.
三宅(志柿) 禎子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.6, no.2, pp.81-88, 2004-03-30

In Puerto Rico, the women started to keep their distance from the divisive political issue of the island's status as a US territory when they united to address women's issues. This has caused the established parties to rethink their politics and also has accelerated the argument objectively about the island's political status. Meanwhile, in the US, the influence of Puerto Rican women is felt in grass roots movements and in women of color movements. They have added their Latina perspective to the mainly white middle class American feminist movement. Also, with their different circumstances and concerns, they are a new addition to the Puerto Rican national identity. Both on the island and in the mainland US, Puerto Ricans are creating a new paradigm in politics. Their movement is growing rapidly in the group of minorities in sovereign nations and in feminism on the outskirts of a sovereign nation. We can recognize the case of Puerto Rican women as one of post colonial feminism.
田中 尚
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.2, no.1, pp.61-68, 1999-09

In this paper, I would like to review some of the philosophical foundations of ethical principles. I will focus on three perspectives and values on social work practice, These are ; (a) the practical values and respect for individuals as rationale and self-determining human beings (Kantian approach), (b) practical values and principles as part of a welfare bureaucracy with a social control and resource-rationing function (Utilitarian Values), and (c) moral thinking encompassing anti-oppressive approach as against practice (Radical approach). As such my objective is to provide the framework on dilemmas of values to explore social work practice through discussing the three perspectives :
藤田 徹 Toru FUJITA 岩手県立大学社会福祉学部
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.17, pp.1-10, 2015-03-01

本論は、対人援助職の養成教育へ「実践知」という視点を導入することの意義の検討を目的とする。一般的に言えば、これまでの養成教育では、状況超越的な専門理論を中心とした指導が行われてきた。その理由は、養成教育の専門理論に対する過大評価にある。そして、本論では、それに対する「実践知」の養成教育への導入がもたらす対人援助職の専門能力の新たな可能性を見極める。まず、「実践知」の起源と概念の整理を試みる。その上で香川秀太が提案した「第三の知」及び秋葉昌樹による「フォーラム・シアター」、藤田徹による「実習指導への戦略的な応用」の整理を進め、「実践知」を前提とした対人援助職の専門能力の開発の有効性を確認する。This discussion aims at considering the significance of introducing the viewpoint of "practice wisdom" in training education for human service. Generally speaking, the conventional training education has focused mainly on expert theories that transcend situations. That was because of the overvaluing of expert theories by training education stakeholders. This discussion will find out a new possibility of the training education paved by the special skill of human service that will become available by the introduction of" practice wisdom" in the training education. Firstly, I will try to organize the origin and concept of "practice wisdom". Then, I will proceedto digest "the third wisdom" proposed by Shuta Kagawa, "Forum theater" by Masaki Akiba, and "Strategic application for practical instructions" by Toru Fujita, and confirm the effectiveness of the special skill of human service with the premises of" practice wisdom"
菊池 章夫
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.6, no.2, pp.41-51, 2004-03

Over 60 articles and presentations using KiSS-18 (Kikuchi's Scale of Social Skills : 18 items) were critically reviewed. KiSS-18 has been widely used in different research areas ; social, clinical, industrial, and educational psychology as well as nurse-education. Those researches suggest that this scale is highly reliable and valid, and also would be useful to other research topics.
鎌田 滋子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.1, pp.57-63, 2002-09-30

In many holy stories in the Old Testament and also the New Testament, there are a great deal of episodes of music. These episodes are not only historically interesting but also tell us the fact that music has some power of treatment for psychological symptoms, which gives us hints for music therapy and therapists. European music has been developed by Christianism, and Christianism raised music to Art. Suported by the Arts, music has power for human spirit.
熊本 哲也
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.1, pp.11-26, 2002-09-30

"The Purloined Ribbon" at the end of the Livre second of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions is known for the possibilities of various readings. The two most outstanding readings are: psychoanalytic literary analysis and deconstruction literary analysis. The former does not differentiate the "narrator" from the "narrated" in the text. The latter denies finally the analysis of the unconscious level and neglects the importance of the first half of the text while it is bound for the speech-act theory. In short, the precedent analysis tends to rely on theories and lacks the careful textual analysis. In order to construct a more inclusive literary critique, this paper focuses upon the desire theme of "The Death of Mme Vercellis" for it allows us to see the complicated interactions in the text. The textual analysis reveals that the words place (position) and perte (loss for the death) in the first half of the text are used effectively to show the analogical relationship between Mme Vercellis and her servant Marion to whom Jean-Jacques makes a false accusation of the stolen ribbon. By doing so, the narrator extends the meaning of place and perte to signify the symbolic death of Marion and sees Marion identifying with Mme Vercellis. In other words, Marion has the necessity to suppleer (fulfill) the loss of Mrs. Vercellis and has a role as a substitution to morn the deaths of both Mme Vercellis and Marion. Therefore, the exceeding desire of the narrator shows the connection between the text of "death" in the first half and the text of Stolen Ribbon Incident in the latter half of the Episode. The ribbon Jean-Jacques purloined literally ties the two texts by representing his "desire" and "mourning" for Mme Vercellis and Marion. In this sense, the purloined ribbon is just like a Freud's "bobbin" in The Beyond of the Pleasure Principle.
熊本 哲也
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.1, pp.11-26, 2002-09-30

The Purloined Ribbon at the end of the Livre second of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions is known for the possibilities of various readings. The two most outstanding readings are: psychoanalytic literary analysis and deconstruction literary analysis. The former does not differentiate the "narrator" from the "narrated" in the text. The latter denies finally the analysis of the unconscious level and neglects the importance of the first half of the text while it is bound for the speech-act theory. In short, the precedent analysis tends to rely on theories and lacks the careful textual analysis. In order to construct a more inclusive literary critique, this paper focuses upon the desire theme of "The Death of Mme Vercellis" for it allows us to see the complicated interactions in the text. The textual analysis reveals that the words place (position) and perte (loss for the death) in the first half of the text are used effectively to show the analogical relationship between Mme Vercellis and her servant Marion to whom Jean-Jacques makes a false accusation of the stolen ribbon. By doing so, the narrator extends the meaning of place and perte to signify the symbolic death of Marion and sees Marion identifying with Mme Vercellis. In other words, Marion has the necessity to suppleer (fulfill) the loss of Mrs. Vercellis and has a role as a substitution to morn the deaths of both Mme Vercellis and Marion. Therefore, the exceeding desire of the narrator shows the connection between the text of "death" in the first half and the text of Stolen Ribbon Incident in the latter half of the Episode. The ribbon Jean-Jacques purloined literally ties the two texts by representing his "desire" and "mourning" for Mme Vercellis and Marion. In this sense, the purloined ribbon is just like a Freud's "bobbin" in The Beyond of the Pleasure Principle.
川乗 賀也
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.17, pp.21-24, 2015-03

佐藤 弥生 佐々木 千晶
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.18, pp.11-21, 2016-03

本研究は、虐待の延長上にある「不適切ケア」について、特別養護老人ホームの介護職員が持つ判断基準の傾向を明らかにすることを目的とした。A県の介護職員にアンケートを実施し、不適切な行為か迷った際の判断基準があると回答した366 人分の自由記述を分析の対象とし、テキストマイニングにより経験年数を変数として分析を行った。経験年数5 年未満では、自分よりも経験知の高い人へ相談すること、経験年数5 年以上になると立場の置き換えや対象者の感情や表情を判断基準とし、経験年数10 年以上では、「倫理綱領」といった基準も存在していた。結論として、介護職員にはより具体的な基準を示した上での倫理強化が必要であると考えられた。
藤田 徹
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.16, pp.23-33, 2014-03-01

この論文は、ソーシャルワーカーに対するエスノメソドロジーの入門を目的としている。特に、エスノメソドロジーのアプローチがソーシャルワーカーの実践に対して、どれだけのメリットを与えるものなのかが検討されている。そもそも、エスノメソドロジーは、社会秩序を構築する合理的な根拠となる普通の人々の実践の方法に関する研究を使命としている。そのエスノメソドロジーから、これまでの社会福祉の研究・教育・実践に対して新たな"転回"を提起する。そして、それを進めるために、事例として"万華鏡"と"芸舞妓"を取り上げている。"万華鏡"が「説明可能性」と「文脈表示性」を記述し、"芸舞妓"が、「相互反映性」の理解を示す。それらがエスノメソドロジーのアプローチであり、現実構築の特徴でもある。また、同様に、ソーシャルワーク実践の現実構築は、エスノメソドロジーの仕組みを前提としている。これらを踏まえて、エスノメソドロジーのアプローチがソーシャルワークにとって有効であることを説明している。This paper aims an introduction for social workers to Ethnomethodology. Especially, it discusses that social workers would benefit by Ethnomethodology into their everyday social work. Ethnomethodology has the role to study the practical methods by ordinary people constitute the rational grounds of their social orders. Ethnomethodology provides another "turn" for the view of social welfare. In order to achieve this purpose, there are take up the "kaleidoscope" and the "geimaiko" as an example. A "kaleidoscope" describes accountability and indexicality, and a "geimaiko" describes reflexivity. They are the features of Ethnomethodology. The construction of social work practice is premised the same on characteristics of Ethnomethodology. Based on the above, this paper claims that Ethnomethodology is effect for social works.
志柿 禎子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.1, pp.35-44, 2002-09-30

プエルトリコ(Puerto Rico)では1929年に,読み書き能力があることという制限つきであったものの,初めて女性の参政権が認められた。これは,1929年にラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域の中で最も早く女性参政権が成立したエクアドルに次いで2番目に早く,世界的にみてもかなり早い時期に女性参政権が成立している。 1975年メキシコで開催された第一回女性世界会議以降も,女性たちを取り巻く状況は大きく前進し,70年代以降,家族法の改正,教育の場における男女差別の解消,セクハラ禁止法,ドメステック・バイオレンスを犯罪とする法律成立など,女性の状況は大きく改善された。これらの法律が制定されていく過程では,政党の運動とは別に形成されていた女性運動からの政府,行政側への働きかけが極めて重要な役割を果たしている。この課題解決に当たっては,多くの女性組織が思想の違いを超えて,また,以前から女性運動の障害として指摘されていた党派主義の問題を乗り越えて連帯してこの課題に取り組み,成果をあげた。現在も数多くの女性団体が活発な活動を続けている。