松本 富士男 谷田部 奈生
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.72, pp."128-1"-140, 1999

Between April 1998 and October 1999,Nao Yatabe visited some Orthodox Church in Japan for research on the state of the iconostases of these churches. First, she classified the churches by the date of establishment and did the iconostases by district where they were painted. Then, she make reference to the distinctive iconostasis of Osaka Orthodox Church and Sapporo Orthodox Church ; the former was made in Russia to commemorate fallen soldiers of the Russo-Japanese War, the later was made in Japan, and the number has been increased with development of the church. On the bese of this date we (Professor Fujio Matsumoto and Nao Yatabe) intend to add more examination of her research from the point of iconographical view.