沢野 十蔵 池田 章 足利 正典 高野 健正
Archivum histologicum japonicum (ISSN:00040681)
vol.24, no.4, pp.369-386, 1964

In an investigation of the incidence of the sex chromatin of intermitotic nuclei in the various tissues (skin, stomach and muscle) of 37 human embryos (crown-rump length 7.9-318mm) and the ventral abdominal skin of 20 patients (10-80 years old), the following results were established.<br>1. In the early stages of 7.9-35.6mm crown-rump length (4-9 weeks), the sex can not be determined from the form of external genitals, without error, but it is possible to distinguish it from the incidence of the sex chromatin of intermitotic nuclei.<br>In the female embryos, the sex chromatin was identified in a comparatively high percentage of nuclei, and there are no marked differences of these percentages between the various tissues, as follows.<br>In the epidermis of skin: adj. (adjacent to nuclear membrane) 55.9%, free (free from nuclear membrane) 35.4%:<br>In the derma of skin: adj. 61.1%, free 18.6%.<br>In the gastric epithelium: adj. 55.5%.<br>In the gastric submucosa: adj. 57.1%.<br>In the striated muscle (premuscular cell): adj. 65.3%.<br>In the cardiac muscle (premuscular cell): 60.0%.<br>In the smooth muscle (premuscular cell): adj. 64.8%.<br>In the male embryos, the sex chromatin was identified in a comparatively low percentage of nuclei in each case, averaging 2.8% (0-7.6%).<br>2. The changes of incidence of the sex chromatin adjacent to the nuclear membrane with development are classified into the following three types.<br>Type 1. The incidence of sex chromatin scarcely changes during the prenatal and postnatal stages and is constantly about 50%, as seen in the epidermis of skin (cf. Fig. 1).<br>Type 2. The incidence of sex chromatin falls into a low percentage (to about 30%) at the middle of the fetal stage but afterward it does not change until the last stage, as seen in the gastric epithelium (cf. Fig. 2).<br>Type 3. The incidence of sex chromatin is about 50% at the middle of the fetal stage. Afterward, at the about 250mm stage (of 29-30 weeks) it falls into 30% or to a much lower percentage and then it does not change until the last stage, as seen in muscles (cf. Fig. 3).<br>3. In the germinal layer of skin in female embryos, the incidence of the sex chromatin free from the nuclear membrane is about 38.6% at the primary fetal stage, but afterward in the time of the middle or the last fetal sfage, it falls into a remarkably lower percentage (to 10.2-19.4%).<br>In the infant and adult stages, the incidence changes from 4.6% to 27.6%, but it has no correlation with the age factor. The incidence of this type gives some additional increases or decreases with the incidence of the sex chromatin adjacent to the nuclear membrane and so the particularly low samples of the incidence can not be found in the average (cf. Fig. 1).<br>4. It seems that, in each tissue, the period of declining of the incidence of sex chromatin has a correlation with that of the functional differentiation.<br>5. In the male, the incidence of sex chromatin is always in low percentage, and so it is possible to distinguish the sexual dimorphism from the incidence of sex chromatin. However, in the derma of skin and the gastric submucosa in the last fetal stage it becomes very difficult to distinguish the sexual dimorphism, because the incidence of sex chromatin in the female falls into a low percentage like the male (cf. Fig. 1).
内田 吉昭 足利 正 鳥巣 伊知郎

1.内田は(1)三次組み紐と三橋結び目上分岐する三次元球面分岐被覆空間を結び目のダイアグラムを利用しで決定ずる方法を発見した。そしてそれらの空間がそれぞれレンズ空間L(n,1)とL(n,m)となる事を示した.(2)三次元球面内のトーラス結び目上分岐する分岐被覆空間の研究で次の結果を得た.非正規三重分岐被覆空間を持つトーラス結び目はT(2x,3y)(x,yは互いに素な整数)の型であり、その被覆空間はザイフエルトファイバー空間になる.そして、2xβ_2+3yβ_1=±1となる整数β_1とβ_2に対して M(β_1/2x,β_1/x, β_2/y) となるザイフェルトレファイバー空間が被覆空間となる事を示した.また、トーラス結び目T(2,x)、T(3,x)の族に対しては結び目のダイアグラムだけを使用する証明方法でM(β_1/2x,β_1/x,β_2/y)となる事を示した.2.足利は(1)リーマン面の退化族の局所不変量、位相モノドロミー、分裂族やLefschetz fibrationの大域的性質に関する進展についての概説を論文にまとめた.(2)退化代数曲線束のファイバー芽に対するエータ不変量を経由する局所符号数に対しては、その安定還元芽め持つ同種の符号数との比較公式を与えだ.(3)負型連分数を用いてDedekind和を明示する新公式を提示し、これからDedekind相互律が導かれることを示した.3.鳥巣は(1)Howards-Lueckの定理を絡み目に拡張した. また、二橋絡み目のstrong trivialityについて研究を行い、(自明でない)すべての二橋絡み目はn≧1に対してstrongly n-trivialとならないことを示した. (2) strongly 1-trivial Montesinos結び目の族を与え、もし、有名なSeifert surgery予想が有効ならば、この族はすべてのstrongly n-trivial Montesinos結び目を含む事を示した.また、(3)Legendrian twist knotの分類、写像類群とcontact open bookなどの研究を行った.