土田 邦博 下田 直之 山本 由弦 佐藤 隆一 辻 喜弘 ビラロン ロドリゴ マルドナド トバル エンリケ レジェス セスペデス エクトル ロペス ゴンサレス ホセ ビセンテ オルテガ ボルボラ ヘラルド バスルト
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.76, no.1, pp.70-76, 2011

Deepwater area in the Southern Gulf of Mexico is one of the most attractive areas for future petroleum exploration. JOGMEC carried out a petroleum system evaluation study jointly with PEMEX-E&P in this region using existing wells and seismic data acquired by PEMEX-E&P. The study consists of 1) 1D thermal modeling at the well locations to obtain heat flow variation, 2) map-based modeling to identify effective kitchen areas and migration paths for the hydrocarbon generated in the source rocks, 3) tectonic restoration on the 2D seismic sections along the migration paths, and 4) 2D petroleum system modeling to understand hydrocarbon charge history in the study area. Due to complicated geology with salt intrusions and thrusts, conventional modeling workflow is not valid to fully reveal the hydrocarbon charge processes in the study area. In this paper, authors briefly introduce a suitable modeling workflow and the methodologies which we applied to the study.
佐渡 耕一郎 亀尾 浩司 小西 健二 結城 智也 辻 喜弘
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.101, no.2, pp.127-132, 1992-04-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
8 7

Three nannofossil datum planes of the Early Pleistocen e are identified in the cores from subsurface at Irabu Island, South Ryukyus. The result allows for the first time to date the initial sedimentation of the reef-related Riukiu Limestone there. It represents the age (1.2M a) turning from siliciclastics to shallow-water carbonate regime. Implication of this transition time is discussed briefly in relation with both local neotectonis m resulting in the birth of a backarc basin (Okinawa Trough) and regional to global reor ganization of paleoceanographic environments.