岩田 尊夫 平井 明夫 稲場 土誌典 平野 真史
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.67, no.1, pp.62-71, 2002-01
8 22

The Offshore Joban Basin, which constitutes the southern-most part of the forearc basins located along the Pacific coast of the northeast Japan, extends about 170 km in NNE-SSW direction with 50 km width. The Upper Cretaceous and younger sediments distribute widely with maximum thickness of more than 5,000 meters. The Iwaki-oki gas field located in the Offshore Joban Basin, which is the only commercial offshore gas field in the Pacific Ocean off northeast Japan, has been producing gas since 1984. The Paleogene and Maastrichtian coals and coaly mudstones, deposited in a confined basin along continental margin, are the most likely source rocks of the gas. The basin modeling simulation in the basin depo-center west of the gas field estimates present vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values at the source rock horizon to be in the range from 1.0 to 1.3%. The simulation also indicates that maturation of the source rocks were accelerated by rapid subsidence since Miocene, and that peak gas generation and expulsion occurred during middle Pliocene. Therefore, the basin depo-center is considered as the kitchen area. Main reservoirs are the shallow marine sandstones intercalated in the Lower Miocene and the basal part of the Oligocene. The former is the producing reservoir of the Iwaki-oki gas field. Both sandstones are sealed by the extensive and thick mudstones. Primary hydrocarbon traps are NNE-SSW trending anticlines, which were formed before Middle Miocene. These anticlines are cut by NNE-SSW trending faults at their flanks. As the reservoir sandstones are about 2,000 meters vertically apart from the source rocks in the kitchen area, it is considered that expelled hydrocarbon migrated vertically through faults. Although forearc basins are not generally considered to be prospective for hydrocarbon exploration, there could be relatively good hydrocarbon system existing as shown above in the Offshore Joban Basin.
山崎 豊彦 ロセス S.A. 金子 正紀 ケービン N. 内藤 健一
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.59, no.3, pp.216-226, 1994

この研究は水蒸気攻法で, オイルサンドからビチューメンを回収した後, さらにビチューメンを回収する方法として, 水蒸気にヘキサンや石油ベンジンのような軽質炭化水素を利用する方法について研究したものである。ここに報告したのは温度250°Cおよび300°Cの水蒸気に上記の溶剤を加え, その回収実験を行ったもので, 16の実験結果について, 水蒸気のみで10時間回収を行った場合, 始めの5時間は水蒸気で回収を行い, その回収がほぼ完了したと見られる5時間後から, ヘキサン, 石油ベンジンを水蒸気のほぼ2%程度混入した場合の回収率について検討した。この結果, 石油ベンジンを混入した場合はヘキサン混入の場合より大量のビチューメンを生産し, 300°Cの場合, その回収率は最大で56.6%となった。
田口 一雄
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-13, 1981

現在における石油の第1次移動に関する論争は,もっぱら石油のケロジェン根源説支持者間での論争である。対立は大きく水媒体移動説と油相移動説の2つに分れている。論争点の第1は,移動に利用し得られる水が存在するかどうかの問題である。圧密水,鉱物層間水の利用は多くの人々から否定される。天水の利用は特殊の場合のみに考慮されることがある。最大の論争は,地下深部の比較的温度の高いところ(〉300°C)での鉱物結晶水の利用の可能性をめぐって行なわれている。しかし全般的傾向としては,油相移動説支持者が圧倒的に多くなりつつある。ある地下深度のケージェンからの石油発生(液状石油の体積増加)と秩序水(structured water)の形成作用が相乗的に働き,孔隙間での飽和率が増加すると,石油は水とは独立的に単一液相として移動しうるとするのが多くの一致した見解である。<br>上記の諸点をふまえて,日本の新第三紀油田の第1次移動機構を考えると2つの可能な場合が存在する。<br>1つは,秩序水の形成がおよそ40%孔隙率程度で油相移動を可能にする場合である。この場合ケージェン起原の石油は対象とならないが,場所により1次ビチューメン中の炭化水素の移動が可能となろう。新潟油田の場合約1,300m,秋田油田の場合約800~900m深度で移動が可能となる。<br>今1つは,石油根源岩としての諸性質を考慮した場合で,女川,船川下部相当層中でのケージェン起原石油の油相移動である。特に女川相当層に存在するケロジェンラミナを通じての油相移動が重要視される。移動通路としては,マイクロフラクチュア,断層を通じての垂直移動,同一層準地層の岩相変化によって生じた層位トラップへの平行移動が考えられる。<br>上記2つの第1次移動は2者択一的なものではなく,地質条件に従って両者の機構による移動が行なわれたものと考えているが,大部分の石油プールは後者によって形成された公算が大である。
土田 邦博 下田 直之 山本 由弦 佐藤 隆一 辻 喜弘 ビラロン ロドリゴ マルドナド トバル エンリケ レジェス セスペデス エクトル ロペス ゴンサレス ホセ ビセンテ オルテガ ボルボラ ヘラルド バスルト
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.76, no.1, pp.70-76, 2011

Deepwater area in the Southern Gulf of Mexico is one of the most attractive areas for future petroleum exploration. JOGMEC carried out a petroleum system evaluation study jointly with PEMEX-E&P in this region using existing wells and seismic data acquired by PEMEX-E&P. The study consists of 1) 1D thermal modeling at the well locations to obtain heat flow variation, 2) map-based modeling to identify effective kitchen areas and migration paths for the hydrocarbon generated in the source rocks, 3) tectonic restoration on the 2D seismic sections along the migration paths, and 4) 2D petroleum system modeling to understand hydrocarbon charge history in the study area. Due to complicated geology with salt intrusions and thrusts, conventional modeling workflow is not valid to fully reveal the hydrocarbon charge processes in the study area. In this paper, authors briefly introduce a suitable modeling workflow and the methodologies which we applied to the study.
今田 美郎 川井 健史 平山 鋭 富田 伸彦
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.71, no.6, pp.556-563, 2006

A reservoir modeling using simulation software on the market is popular to evaluate production profile and has specific requirement in an each phase through a project. Generally, a simpler model is preferred to examine many cases about production scenarios for a commercial evaluation in feasibility study phase. So, it is very important how to express subsurface uncertainty in a simple reservoir model.<br>A condensate banking phenomenon which reduces productivity near the wellbore is a typical feature of gas reservoir, especially condensate rich gas reservoir. Evaluation of the condensate banking is an important issue from a viewpoint of production profile evaluation because of requirement from market to maintain plateau of production for the project. One of popular techniques to express the condensate baking is local grid refinement (LGR) method applied around each well in the compositional simulator.<br>However, LGR application may not be a preferable option in the feasibility study phase, because more complicated reservoir model requires more calculation time. So, PI multiplier method was introduced without LGR option to keep simplicity of the reservoir model.<br>An investigation of the PI multiplier applied in the coarse grided full field model without LGR to take into account productivity reduction by condensate baking has been presented in this paper.
佐々 保雄
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.20, no.4, pp.92-100, 1955

A new submarine research chamber named "Kuroshio" which belongs to the University of Hokkaido was built in 1951 for the purpose of studying oceanography, biology and fishery visually at the undersea. It was planned and designed by Prof. N. Inoue (Hokkaido University) and R. Oaki (International Marine Engineering Co.), under the guidance of Prof. U. Nakaya (Hokkaido University), with the help of Dr. T. Sasaki (Scientific Research Institute). Most parts of it were constructed by the Tsurumi shipyard (Nippon Steel Tube Co.) and accessories such as window glasses, underwater lightings, guages and instruments were provided by several makers.<br>The "Kuroshio" is 3.15m. in height (to the top of the hatch cover), 3.70m, in length (from the tip of wooden bearer to the end of the direction stabilizer fins) and 1.48m, of outside diameter of the observation chamber, with total weight of almost 5, 000kg, with accessories. It has one main observasion window with controlable reflector, one seabottom observation window and three side and rear windows Lighting equipments are well prepared for submarine observation and for photographying. It is hung down from a mother ship by suspending wire and electric cables for light and telephone will serve as second hunging wire when necessary.<br>Tow or three persons are able to work in the chamber operating instruments, making scientific observations and taking photographs from the window. They always communicate by telephone with the bridge of the mother boat, talking everythings what they saw, what it happened and giving orders to each other. The endurance of staying at the undersea is about 10 hours for 2 persons aided by the oxygen feeder and CO2 absorbing unit. Its safe diving depth is 200m, below sea surface as it is designed to make surveying on the continental shelf, although it is durable under the pressure of 400m, sea depth. The suspended "Kuroshio" is usually slowly propelled by the drifting or slowly moving of mother ship and able to stand still at the sea bottom when the mother ship is anchored.<br>Important scientific results were obtained by the "Kuroshio" since 1951 at various areas around the Japanese islands. Among biological works, observations on "marine snow" (snow flake like suspending aggregates of disintegrating corpses of planktonic micro-organisms) were well done and habitats of many kinds of bottom fishes and benthonic animals, burrows and piles of them were fully recorded. In the field of fishery, behaviers of trawl net fish traps and plankton net under operation, nature of fish culture bed and effects of light for fishing were investigated, while optical and sonologic studies in the undersea and turbid water observation were made in physical oceanography.<br>The present author tried to operate the "Kuroshio" for submarine geological surveying since 1953 and found it to be a very useful tool for the purpose. In the Ishikari Bay of Hokkaido, several types of ripple marks under formation and some mode of occurrence of marine shells were seen at the sea bottom, suggesting us its usefulness on studying marine sedimentation. In the Tsugaru Strait between Honsho and Hokkaido, where a project of railroad tunnel driving is now under planning by the Japanese Government Railway, kinds of rocks and every geological formations exposed on the seafloor were fully identified by naked eye from the window. And it lead us to believe that it will be possible to draw geological route map of the seafloor by continuos, linear observation on the "Kuroshio" by slow moving and even making geological map when routes are effectively selected. This submarine geological work will be done more efficientry in cooperation with bottom rock sampling by dredging method.