小松 恵徳 玉井 茂 豊田 活 中岡 明美 辻 直樹
ミルクサイエンス (ISSN:13430289)
vol.61, no.1, pp.41-49, 2012 (Released:2014-03-15)

The authors received an award from the Japanese minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. We were recognized as public sector contributors to Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries research and development in 2010 due to the development of a new cream production method (the Ajiwai-Kodawari process). We have challenged and succeeded in developing a novel fresh cream, something which had been generally assumed to be impossible by most in the dairy sector. The new process is the combination of nano-membrane concentration and de-oxygenation of raw milk followed by skim milk separation and UHT pasteurization under low-oxygen conditions. The deoxydized separation and pasteurization process was developed based on Meiji's proprietary milk production method (known as the ‘Natural Taste Method’ for our premium ‘Meiji Oishii Gunyu’ milk.). The Ajiwai-Kodawari process provides a novel value-added cream with a strong milk taste, but without the unpleasant aftertaste arising from ordinary UHT processes. The Meiji Fresh Cream Ajiwai series, made through this process, have been extremely well received by customers and have become a favorite among confectioners and cooks including celebrity chefs. Sales have been increased consistently since its launch in May 2008. The improved flavor has been very well received, even by consumers who had avoided UHT cream previously. Meiji Fresh Cream Ajiwai has been a success by attracting new customers.
船橋 利理 駒井 則彦 小倉 光博 桑田 俊和 中井 三量 辻 直樹
Neurological Surgery 脳神経外科 (ISSN:03012603)
vol.17, no.10, pp.917-923, 1989-10-10

I.はじめに 1982年,われわれは遷延性意識障害患者に対して意識の回復を目的に頸髄硬膜外刺激を試み著効を得たことを報告した7).その後,諸施設で追試が行われ,有効例がつぎつぎと報告5,12)されるようになってきた.しかし,いかなる部位の障害による遷延性意識障害が本法の適応になるかに関しては未だ議論のあるところである. 今回,大脳,脳幹など種々の障害による遷延性意識障害患者に対して慢性的に脊髄硬膜外刺激(Spinal CordStimulation以下SCSと略記する)を加え,治療効果を検討したので報告するとともに,本法の適応に関してもわれわれの考えを述べる.