田中 直哉 近藤 澄子 田中 秀和 佐藤 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.4, pp.320-328, 2005-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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We report on the development and introduction of our original SOAP (Pharmacy-oriented SOAP : P-SOAP) form, an expanded version of the conventional SOAP form, which is highly suited to community pharmacies. In P-SOAP, patient follow-up items and pharmaceutical care planning actions have been added. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 13 newly graduated pharmacists who had been educated on the use of the conventional SOAP for about half a year to ascertain their opinions of P-SOAP. They felt that the conventional SOAP had unclear assessment (A) and planning (P) definitions, and that actual medication instructions did not fit in with the SOAP form. However, they thought that P-SOAP enabled them to easily acquire detailed patient information and prepare patient records in a relatively short time. In conclusion, P-SOAP should be a useful tool for recording medication history in an optimal manner for the community pharmacy, and contribute to raising the quality of patient care.