佐藤 均
紀要 (ISSN:02858428)
vol.25, pp.59-65, 1990-07-20
田中 直哉 近藤 澄子 田中 秀和 佐藤 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.4, pp.320-328, 2005-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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We report on the development and introduction of our original SOAP (Pharmacy-oriented SOAP : P-SOAP) form, an expanded version of the conventional SOAP form, which is highly suited to community pharmacies. In P-SOAP, patient follow-up items and pharmaceutical care planning actions have been added. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 13 newly graduated pharmacists who had been educated on the use of the conventional SOAP for about half a year to ascertain their opinions of P-SOAP. They felt that the conventional SOAP had unclear assessment (A) and planning (P) definitions, and that actual medication instructions did not fit in with the SOAP form. However, they thought that P-SOAP enabled them to easily acquire detailed patient information and prepare patient records in a relatively short time. In conclusion, P-SOAP should be a useful tool for recording medication history in an optimal manner for the community pharmacy, and contribute to raising the quality of patient care.
鈴木 信也 村山 悠佳 杉山 恵理花 関山 正夫 佐藤 均
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.7, pp.829-842, 2009
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We established dose estimation formulae for renal-excretion drugs using the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), tubular secretion clearance (Sc), and unbound fraction of drug in plasma (fp) as a renal function index of physiological development in neonates and infants not more than 2 years of age. A dose ratio of (D<sub>C</sub>/D<sub>A</sub>)=clearance ratio of (CL<sub>C</sub>/CL<sub>A</sub>)≅(fp<sub>C</sub>·GFR<sub>C</sub>)/(fp<sub>A</sub>·GFR<sub>A</sub>) for neonates and infants/adults was applied to drugs with fp·GFR>Sc, while D<sub>C</sub>/D<sub>A</sub>=CL<sub>C</sub>/CL<sub>A</sub>≅(β·BSA<sub>C</sub>+fp<sub>C</sub>·GFR<sub>C</sub>)/(β·BSA<sub>A</sub>+fp<sub>A</sub>·GFR<sub>A</sub>) was applied to drugs with Sc>fp·GFR using the coefficient of each drug (β) and body surface area (BSA). Validity of the estimation formulae was investigated in drugs with fp·GFR>Sc such as vancomycin (VCM), arbekacin (ABK), fosfomycin (FOM) and norfloxacin (NFLX), and in drugs with Sc>fp·GFR such as digoxin (DGX) and amoxicillin (AMPC). First, we compared the clearance ratio (CL<sub>C</sub>/ CL<sub>A</sub>) of VCM, ABK, and DGX estimated by our method with those calculated using the Japanese population clear- ance values and those estimated allometrically (BSA<sub>C</sub>/BSA<sub>A</sub>). Next, we compared the established doses of all drugs investigated with the doses for neonates and infants calculated from the conventional dose estimation methods for children and our estimation formulae, and evaluated our method. As a result, favorable consistency was observed in the CL ratio for all drugs, and the doses of VCM, FOM, NFLX and AMPC calculated from our estimation formulae approximated the established doses. In conclusion, the validity of the dose estimation method using pharmacokinetic factors related to physiological development (i.e., GFR, fp, Sc) for renal-excretion drugs in neonates and infants was demonstrated.<br>
佐藤 均
紀要 (ISSN:02858428)
vol.28, pp.109-120, 1993-09-01
鈴木 信也 佐藤 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.12, pp.698-715, 2014-12-10 (Released:2015-12-10)

Conventional dose estimation methods do not consider drug factors and do not allow for various pharmacokinetic factors associated with the growth of children. I have therefore established a new method based on drug elimination processes and physiological and biochemical developmental factors in order to more appropriately estimate pediatric doses (the ePPBD method). Renal excretion or hepatic metabolic clearance was calculated for each age based on physiological and biochemical developmental factors, such as the unbound fraction of the drug in plasma, glomerular filtration rate, tubular secretion, liver volume, and CYP enzyme activity. Then the pediatric dose was estimated by multiplying the adult dose by the pediatric/adult ratio of renal excretion or hepatic metabolic clearance. Accuracy of the ePPBD method was compared with conventional methods, using the population mean clearance and the doses listed in package inserts and text books as the standards to quantitate its validity. In brief, accuracy was evaluated by classifying children into the following age groups: 1) neonates in consideration of the post-conceptional age (PCA), 2) infants up to 2 years old, and 3) children over 2 years old for drugs with renal excretion, or 4) children of all ages for drugs with hepatic metabolism. The accuracy of the ePPBD method was superior to that of conventional methods both for drugs with renal excretion and those with hepatic metabolism, and therefore it should be useful for pediatric patients in whom physiological function changes remarkably as they age.
向川 均 佐藤 均

永尾 美智瑠 中野 裕佳子 田島 正教 杉山 恵理花 稲田 睦 佐藤 均

背景・目的:近年、カンナビジオール(CBD)の臨床的な有用性が注目されている。CBDはシトクロムP450(主にCYP3A4及びCYP2C19)で代謝されるとともに、CYP阻害作用を有することが報告されているが、in vivo研究はほとんど行われていない。本研究ではCBD動態の用量依存性について検討するとともに、CYP3Aを介した薬物間相互作用の可能性についてin vivo条件下で検討した。方法:CBD製剤として,当部門で開発したCBDナノエマルション製剤(CBD-NE)を用いた。一晩絶食させたWistar系雄性ラットにCBD-NE(5, 10, 25, 50 mg/kg)を経口投与し、経時的に採血した。得られた血漿は固相抽出後、LC-MS/MSにて血漿中CBD濃度を測定し、薬物動態パラメータを算出した。CYP3A阻害剤としてケトコナゾール(KCZ)を、CYP3A基質としては13C-エリスロマイシン(呼気試験)を用いて、CYP3Aを介した薬物間相互作用の検討を行った。結果:CBD投与量とAUCの関係は有意な上昇型の非線形性を示し、特にCBD 10 mg/kgを超える投与量において顕著であった。KCZ併用により、CBD 10 mg/kgではAUC及びCmaxの有意な上昇がみられたが、CBD 50 mg/kgでは変化がなかった。 13C-エリスロマイシン呼気試験の結果では、CBD 10, 50 mg/kgにおいてCBDによるCYP3A阻害作用が認められ、1 mg/kgでは認められなかった。考察:今回比較的速やかな吸収性を示すCBD-NEを用いた検討により、経口投与後のCBD動態の非線形性が明らかとなった。CBD高用量においてCYP3A阻害剤KCZ併用による影響がみられなかったことからも、自己代謝阻害による代謝飽和による非線形性と考えられた。またCYP3A阻害作用がみられたCBD 10~50 mg/kgにおけるCmaxは既報におけるCBDのCYP3Aに対するKi値と良く対応していた。今回の検討によりCBD高用量でのCYP3A阻害作用がin vivo条件下においても示された。過去に報告されている臨床報告も併せて考慮すると、10 mg/kg以上のCBD投与量では薬物間相互作用に注意する必要性が示唆された。
高柳 理早 山田 安彦 河野 真理子 中村 均 佐藤 均 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.489-494, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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The new Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, which were based on ICH-GCP, were enforced in Japan in April 1997. These guidelines recommend that pharmacists play the role of managers of investigational drugs and also as cooperators (clinical research coordinator) in the performance of clinical trials. In this study, we carried out a survey of the attitude of the new graduate pharmacists (the group of graduates in the 1998 fiscal year and a group of graduates in the 1999 fiscal year) on clinical trials. After the first questionnaire, we lectured the students on GCP and performed clinical trials, and then the second questionnaire was conducted two months later. The group of graduates in the 1999 fiscal year had more opportunities to come in contact with information on clinical trials than the group in the 1998 fiscal year. Both groups knew that new GCP guidelines had been established, but they did not understand the details. Some of them had a negative impression concerning clinical trials. The lectures improved their knowledge and impression on the practice of clinical trials. After the lecture, over 90% of them thought that pharmacists should manage investigational drugs and provide information on these drugs for the rational practice of clinical trials. Furthermore, in 60% or more of the students, an improvement in the consciousness of evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational drugs regarding the pharmacist's role was found.
福岡 恵理子 鎌田 志乃ぶ 中島 克佳 折井 孝男 中村 均 佐藤 均 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.523-530, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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In the University of Tokyo Hospital, the reentry of data, the re-output of documents, the transfer of data by hand writing, etc. has to be routinely carried out in each department, because there is no compatibility in the related work between the systems and generated information.In this study, we developed a medication management system to share drug-requesting information generated inside the hospital with medical wholesalers who introduced the Value Added Network (VAN) -ordering system, and evaluated the usefulness of this system by sending questionnaires to those who are working in the wholesale, clinical wards, and office work sections.The developed medication management system unified a series of information on the request-to-order processing of medicine between the hospital and wholesalers, the warehousing processing in the pharmacy department, the supply processing for the clinical wards, and the expenditure processing of purchased medical supplies. In addition, the system was designed to work with the LAN of our hospital information system under the environment of Windows NT®.In the investigation on the introduction situation of the computer for the drug wholesalers, 14 out of 16 companies (88%) introduced a computerized system to receive orders. Moreover, 12 out of 14 companies (86%) replied with “it is useful” regarding the usefulness of the system. On the other hand, in clinical wards, 41 out of 55 (75%) replied with “the requesting process has become more convenient by using this system”. In office sections, the time needed to process orders was drastically shortened from approximately 20 to 5 minutes on average.By utilizing this newly developed medication management system, it became possible to share the drug-requesting information originally generated in the clinical wards with the pharmacy department and office work section in the hospital and the medical wholesalers ; therefore, we find this system to be a useful supporting system for the proper management not only for hospitals but for medical wholesalers as well.
田中 直哉 田中 秀和 佐藤 均
Japan Association for Medical Informatics
医療情報学 = Japan journal of medical informatics (ISSN:02898055)
vol.25, no.2, pp.107-116, 2005-11-10

佐藤 均 佐藤 里美 若園 智弥 堀越 勇
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.21, no.5, pp.418-427, 1995-10-10
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Conventional printed databases (or manuals) for drug information have unequivocal problems in adding new information, which are critical for drug safety, and in extracting required information from large amounts of data. Therefore, in this study, we developed a problem-solving system of drug information, named "MacDrug", using HyperTalk on Macintosh personal computers. This system consists of major four functions ; organizing various kinds of drug information, converting data sets from other databases, searching and extracting required information under any condition, and analyzing patient compatibility with drugs. All of these functions worked efficiently with the test data, and were shown to be useful in utilizing as much as possible the drug information. MacDrug can be localized in the public domain since the HyperCard program is bundled in every Macintosh computer with free of charge. Thus, we believe that MacDrug can help clinical pharmacists manage the advanced and complex drug information in an efficient manner.