野々田 聖一 岡田 謙介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20231, (Released:2022-12-10)

Despite the widespread use of Likert scales for psychological assessments, problems of response biases —such as response style and social desirability biases —have been associated with this format. Questionnaires employing the forced-choice format, of which paired comparison is one of the most popular methods, have been drawing researchers’ attention as an alternative that is resistant to response biases. In the current study, we compared the assessments of the paired comparison and Likert formats in terms of their reliability, validity, and ease in answering questions using two psychological questionnaires. The results revealed that the Likert format was superior in terms of reliability and ease in answering, while the paired-comparison format exhibited better factorial validity. The questionnaire that contained a few reverse items underperformed in the paired-comparison, which requires due attention during scale development.
野々田 聖一 分寺 杏介 岡田 謙介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.2, pp.53-68, 2021 (Released:2022-04-27)

Paired-comparison format questionnaires that measures two latent traits suffer from the problem of unidentifiability in the Thurstonian item response model. This study proposes a new method that enables us to identify this model. Specifically, we pro- pose to use every item twice in the questionnaire. In simulation studies, our proposed method recovered the respondent parameters at least as well as the control method, which required analysts to fix some of the parameters to their true values. In the real data analysis, the proposed method was applied to data obtained by two types of psychological scales, one of which contained only positively keyed items, whereas the other contained both positively and negatively keyed items. Item parameters and trait scores estimated using the former data resulted in large posterior standard deviations. In contrast, those estimated with the latter data exhibited better estimation proper- ties. Although it generally does not allow for precise measurement, we show that the proposed method is applicable to empirical analysis. It achieved progress, in that, it negates the need for the unrealistic assumption of fixing parameters to their true values.