不破 信和 森田 皓三 室加 守 村尾 豪之 山田 哲也 野本 由人 木村 千明
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 (ISSN:09112529)
vol.6, no.2, pp.197-203, 1990-06-01 (Released:2009-09-29)
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RF capacitive heating is recongnized as a therapy which produces superb therapeutic effects, for it can be used over a wide range. When combined radiotherapy, satisfactory therapeutic results have been reported. As for complications caused by this therapy, however, particulars still remain unknown. This study aims at defining those complications.A total of 80 instances of therapy which were combined with radiotherapy from January, 1983 to May, 1989 were studied. Examinations were given on instances of therapy discontinued, extent of each pain and burn, influence upon cardiovascular system, and particular lesion for each pars.Instance of therapy discontinued 15 (19%). Most reasons were systemic aggravation and pain. Therapy discontinuance was seen mostly in abdomen. Intense pain and burns were observed in chest wall and hypogartrium, particularly postoperative chest wall of breast carcinoma and hypogastrium thickened with panniculus adiposus of more than 3 cm suffered most.As for influence upon cardiovascular system, increase of pulse rate was observed during the therapy in hypogastrium and chest wall. Particularly, chest wall sinister with poor P. S evidently indicated this phenomenon. As for particular lesion for each pars, interstitial pnuemonitis was caused with 2 instances of heated chest wall of which exciting cause seemed to be hyperthermia. And acute erosive gastritis was caused in the heated pars among instances of heated gastric angle.