野村 正雄
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.224, pp.193-202, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)

A Dutch book entitled Algemeene Aardrijksbeschrijving (General Geography) by Jacob de Gelder in 1803-1808, which was introduced into Tokugawa Japan, is found to be one of the crucial sources for Kyuri-tsu, 1836 by Hoashi Banri. This Dutch book covers related topics such as astronomy, meteorology, geology and natural geography, but not human geography. French physics developed by LaPlace, etc. is emphasized in this book: The "geography " at that time implied several subjects related to the earch. Translations or quotations from this Algemeene Aardrijksbeschrijving to Kyuri-tsu amount to a quater of the whole content.
野村 正雄
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.221, pp.1-13, 2002 (Released:2021-08-16)

In 1770's Maeno Ryotaku, one of the pioneers introducing Western science into Tokugawa Japan, wrote a couple of notes entitled by Honyaku Undoho (Parallelogram of Forces) and Sokuyogi Zusetsu (Planetarium). The former concerns with the method to compose as many as four forces into a single force. The latter is illustration of the apparatus to demonstrate elliptic motion of the planets. The present paper is to clarify that the couple of notes are Japanese translations of such and such passages of Desaguliers' de natuurkunde uit ondervindingen, a Dutch book. Main figures of the notes are copies or modifications of the corresponding figures in the Dutch book. Detailed comparison of Maeno's notes with the Dutch book allows us to learn to what extent Maeno understood western physics. In 1914/1915, the editor of Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (a Dutch mathematical journal) inferred that no book other than the Desaguliers' book could be the original. However, he failed to show which passages and figures of the original had been transcribed into the couple of notes. In particular, he did not discuss any on Sokuyogi Zusetsu. The present paper removes imcompleteness of the prior investigation.
野村 正雄
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.40, no.219, pp.151-157, 2001 (Released:2021-08-16)

TAKANO Choei, one of the progressive scientists in Tokugawa Japan, wrote in around 1830 an essay entitled by Taisei-Jishin-Setsu (Remarks on Earthquakes in Europe). We find that the essay is Japanese translation of the article "AARDBEEVING " (EARTHQUAKE) of the academic dictionary in the Netherland, Nieuw en Volkomen Woordenboek van Konsten en Weetenschappen (New Popular Dictionary on Science) edited by Egbert Buys in 1769-1778. The article is as lengthy as 202 lines. A serious misunderstanding is found in TAKANO's translation, which would be overlooked but for the Dutch original. We point out also that the TAKANO's essay was copied, though slightly modified, in Rigaku-Teiyo the famous scientific book written by HIROSE Genkyo in 1856.
野村 正雄
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.39, no.216, pp.193-201, 2000 (Released:2021-08-23)

This starts to elucidate the meaning of the tables on European-Japanese weights and measures attached to Hoashi's book Kyuri-tsu(1836). This tables rely mainly on the Dutch source book Algemeene Aardrijksbeschrijuing (General Geography) written by J. de Gelder in 1803-1808. Comparing Hoashi's tables with the corresponding source tables and checking Hoashi's conversion to Japanese units, where every number was presented with around seven figures, reveals considerable miscopies and miscalculations. Analysis of the numeral errors allows us to speculate how frequently numeral errors occurred in each of the editing processes such as transcribing original arabic figures into Japanese figures, calculating by means of Japanese abacus and making reprints to be handed down.
野村 正雄

角運動量理論、即ち、ウィグナー・ラカー代数としての回転群について一大拡張をした。発展させた数学的技法は量子群代数に関するものである。物理空間は、通常の可換な空間を拡張したもので、量子空間と呼ばれている非可換空間を採った。著しい成果は、全ての物理量と関係式が擬共変性を満足するよう理論を構成できたことである。これは、全ての観測量(遷移確率)は量子空間での或種の一次変換(擬一次変換)に不変という要請に沿うものである。擬共変性により、全ての量を一般化された意味のスカラー、ベクトル、あるいはテンソルとして規定することができる。ウイグナーとエッカートによる基本的定理を、一般化されたウイグナー・エッカート定理として捉えた。また、一般化単位テンソルという概念にも到着した。回転群表現論で重要である種々の関数、例えばクレブシュ・ゴルドン係数 ラカー係数(一般的にn-jシンボル)の拡張形を研究し、その拡張形相互の関係式を確立した。これらの関数がフエイス型とヴァテックス型のYang-Baxter関係式を構成する一基本関数系をなすことを指摘した。ついで、この共変形式のもとで、フェルミオン・ボソンの生成消滅演算子の自然な拡張を見いだしそれらの交換関係を規定した。一般化スピノールと生成消滅演算子を対応させるのに何通りもある。その一つとしてBCS・ボゴリューボフの定式化の量子群的拡張をした。この拡張を用いて、Symplecton代数で知られる角運動量代数を、量子論的拡張した。さらに、この共変理論をSU_q(n)の理論に拡張した。ヤング図表についての新しい拡張も見いだしている。