鈴木 伸忠 伊藤 肇 坂井 上之 越智 茂博 梁川 範幸
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.76, no.5, pp.474-482, 2020 (Released:2020-05-20)

We report on the construction of a system for managing prior information and injection condition used for contrast enhance CT examination using radiology information system (RIS). Contrast dose administration system using the RIS was possible to retrospectively investigate optimal injection conditions from the database. As the prior information, we designed the patientʼs profile information of the hospital information system (HIS) to reflect the patientʼs height, weight, and kidney function (eGFR, Cre), which is necessary information for contrast enhance CT examination, in the RIS. By adding E-Box (DICOM Gateway) to the injector, it became possible to reflect the amount of contrast agent used in patients and injection conditions at contrast enhance CT examination. The contrast agent use information is transmitted to RIS by using modality performed procedure step (MPPS). Database of injection condition at contrast enhance CT examination using the RIS, to determine the optimal injection conditions retrospectively. By utilizing the massive amount of clinical information stored in the RIS, the amount of contrast agent and injection condition at contrast enhance CT examination could be optimized. Reproducibility of the contrast effect can be secured. In the CE, evidence system linked with RIS, when considering the reproducibility at follow-up observation and comparative diagnosis in clinical practice, the contrast effect could be made constant. Contrast dose administration system using the RIS was useful.