ジョルジュ ルフェーヴル 鈴木 泰平
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.24, no.1, pp.1-43, 1949-10-01

序説第一章 貴族の革命 第一節 アリストクラシー 第二節 王朝の危機第二章 ブルジョアジーの革命 第一節 ブルジョアジー 第二節 ブルジョアジーの最初の勝利 第三節 三部會第三章 民衆の革命 第一節 民衆の動員第四章 農民の革命 第一節 農民第五章 八月四日の夜と人權宣言 第一節 人權宣言案と特權階級 第二節 人權宣言第六章 十月事件 第一節 ルイ十六世の消極的抵抗 第二節 革命派の分裂 二院制と拒否權 第三節 民衆の示威 第四節 十月事件結論革命史家としてのルフエーブル教授
鈴木 泰平
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.33, no.3, pp.293-363, 1961-04

史學科開設五十周年記念序論 史料解説およびデムーラン略傅本論 (一) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」研究 (一) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」發行の背景 (二) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」一號,二號 (三) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」三號,四號 (四) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」五號,六號 (五) 「ヴュウ・コルドリエ」の史料的價値と問題提起 (二) ダントン,エベール兩派の研究 (一) アルフォンス・オーラールの所論 (二) アルベェール・マティエの所論 (三) ジョルジュ・ルフェーブルの所論 (四) 史學史的研究に於る問題の所在 (三) ブーショット大佐の研究 (一) ブーショットに於る問題提起およびエベール派とダントン派 (二) ブーショットとエベール派(一) (三) ブーショットとエベール派(二)結論 陸軍長官ブーショットあとがき 補註"Vieux Cordelier", the paper published by Camille Desmoulins, tell's us not only about political assertion of Dauton's party, but aboutcomplicated matters of Revolutionary France from the end of 1793 to early 1794. Colonel Bouchotte, the name of which is put as the title was one of the characters through those matters. He was attacked violently by Danton's party through Desmoulins's paper. Colonel Boucotte was nothing but the director of Military Committee belonged to Temporary Administration Committee, an excutive body of Revolutinary Government of Robespierrian party, but the matter in why he came to be attacked. About details of this attack, we found little accounts in materials so the problem why he was attacked was left unsolved. But after exermining the Collection of Historical Materials of Comite du salut public" by Bouchez et Roux and Aulard, we found the facts that Hebert's party, as well as well as Danton's, moved serching for some profit to the Government and especially, the conflict between the two about military supply, was severe and then resulted in Desmonlins's attack against Bouchotte.
鈴木 泰平
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.35, no.2, pp.227-240, 1962-12

間崎万里先生頌寿記念It is a very well known fact what a great influence the French Revolution had on the formation of the German State and her people. However, it may be stated that there were practically no one who understood sufficiently the historical significance of the progress of the Revolution. During this period, it is said, that Goethe alone understood the world historical significance of the Revolution, but so far as his works are concerned, one cannot always say that he really had complete understanding. After all, for Goethe, it might be stated that, outside of pursuing the humanities, he had almost no interest in the historical events of his time. To understand and evaluate sufficiently the Revolution and its historical significance, it was necessary to wait for the emergence of the German Romanticism.