54 0 0 0 OA 結核の感染 (I)

青木 正和
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.79, no.9, pp.509-518, 2004-09-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

結核感染危険率が0.05%程度に低下した今日では, 結核の感染は感染源との接触者などに限られることが多いし, 新たに感染した者に化学予防を実施することは以前にもまして重要になってきた。しかし, BCG接種が長い間, 広く行われてきたわが国ではツベルクリン反応検査による感染診断がきわめて困難だったため, 感染の診断が難しく, 過剰診断がしばしば見られ, また, 感染についての行き過ぎた恐れが見られる場合もあった。このため, 結核感染に関する内外の文献を紹介しつつ感染に関する考え方を整理することを主目的として総説を試みた。本編では, まず結核感染の考え方の歴史的変遷を述べ, 次いで結核の感染に関与する3要因, つまり, 結核の感染源, 被感染者, 環境要因について総説した。
大森 正子 和田 雅子 内村 和広 西井 研治 白井 義修 青木 正和
一般社団法人 日本結核病学会
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.77, no.4, pp.329-339, 2002-04-15

25歳以上の成人の60.3%, 人数にして5, 400万人が毎年定期の集団検診 (結核検診) を受診していると推計された。しかしながら定期集団検診による結核患者発見率は著しく低下し, 1998年には学校健診で受診者1, 000人対0.03, 職場健診で0.06, 住民健診で0.16までになった。ただし新登録中定期健診発見割合は過去10年ほぼ一定で, 1998年は12.8%であった。年齢別では20~30歳代で定期健診発見割合が大きく25.7%であり, 多くは職場健診からの発見であった。なお検診発見患者で排菌が確認されたのは35.1%であったが, この割合は高齢者でより大きかった。<BR>結核予防会で実施した40歳以上の住民健診成績から1名の結核患者の発見に要するコストは, 全体で440万円, 男で230万円, 女で840万円, 40歳代で730万円, 80歳以上では180万円と試算された。また罹患率人口10万対30の地域では400万円, 罹患率20では670万円と推計された。結核患者を2ヵ月入院, 4ヵ月外来で治療した場合, 治療費は約90万円と見積もられているので, 60歳未満の一般住民や罹患率50未満の地域では, 経費・効果の点で現行の結核検診は必ずしも効果的とは言いがたくなっている。しかしながら定期の結核検診のあり方については発見率やコストの他に発見患者の特性, 公共保健サービス, 国民の意思等も含めて検討する必要があるだろう。
青木 正和 片山 透 山岸 文雄 横田 総一郎 亀田 和彦 斎藤 肇 原 耕平 江崎 孝行 河合 忠 四元 秀毅 関口 進
一般社団法人 日本結核病学会
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.69, no.10, pp.593-605, 1994-10-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

Recently, a new kit to detect and indentify mycobacteria in clinical specimens was developed by Japan Roche Co. Limited. The new method is based on amplification of DNA of mycobacteria in clinical specimens by PCR and hybridization of amplified DNA b. microwell plate hybridization method, which is the “AmplicorTM Mycobacteria, Roche. (AMP-M) ”. Cooperative study was organized with 15 tuberculosis hospitals and institu tions throughout Japan, and 349 clinical specimens from newly admitted tuberculosis patients and/or suspects were collected during July and August, 1993. All the specimens were examined by smear microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen's staining), culture on Ogawa egg media, culture on variant 7H9 liquid media and by AMP-M. Excluding 25 specimens which had failed to identify the species of mycobacteria because of contamination, disability to multiply on the transplanted solid media and so on, the results of the examinations in 324 specimens consisting of 167 specimens from previously untreated cases and those of 157 specimens from previously treated cases were analysed. Main results obtained were as follows;1. Of 70 smear positive specimens from previously untreated cases, culture positive on Ogawa media and 7H9 media, and by AMP-M positive were 59 (84.3%), 61 (87.1%) and 66 (94.3%), respectively. Of 97 smear negative specimens, culture positive were 20 (20.6%), 22 (22.7%) and 27 (27.8%), respectively. The AMP-M showed the highest positive rate in both groups.2. The sensitivity and the specificity of AMP-M in previously untreated cases were calculated by assuming that positive on Ogawa and/or variant 7H9 media is “positive”. The sensitivity was 95.8% (68/71) and the specificity was 94.8% (91/96) for M. tuberculosis in previously untreated cases. The sensitivity and the specificity for M. avium and M. intracellulare were all 100%, although the numbers observed were small.3. So-called false positive of the AMP-M were observed in 5 cases out of 96 culture negatives on both Ogawa and variant 7H9 media. However, all 5 cases were positive by repeated AMP-M, 3 become culture positive later, and another 2 showed clinical findings consistent with tuberculosis. Hence, the authors considered that the false positive rate of the AMP-M method is to be very low in previously untreated cases.4. Of 86 smear positive cases with history of previous chemotherapy, the positive culture on Ogawa media, variant 7H9 media and that by AMP-M method were 64 (74.4%), 77 (89.5%) and 85 (98.8%), respectively. In the smear negative cases, culture positive was 10 out of 71 (14.1%), 13 (18.3%) and 24 (33.8%), respectively.5. The sensitivity and the specificity of the AMP-M were 98.7% (77/78) and 81.0% (64/79) for M. tuberculosis in previously treated cases calculated by the same method as in previously untreated cases. They were 77.8% (7/9) and 100% (148/148) for M. avium, and 100% (4/4) and 100% (153/153) for M. intracellulare.Based on these results, the authors concluded that the AMP-M is a very efficient and rapid method to detect and identify M. tuberculosis, M. avium and/or M. intracellulare in clinical specimens. This method will be useful to diagnose tuberculosis and diseases caused by mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis rapidly.