谷口 紀江 泉 雅浩 香西 雄介 櫻井 孝
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科放射線学会
歯科放射線 (ISSN:03899705)
vol.62, no.2, pp.94-98, 2023 (Released:2023-04-06)

The prevalence of oral cancer in Japan is higher in men aged 60 and over, and it is reported that the number is increasing. In recent years, it has been reported that its incidence in women and young people under the age of 40 is also increasing. Young patients generally have a good general condition and are often eligible for radical surgery, which has been reported to have a good prognosis. Early detection and therapeutic intervention are important because oral cancer progresses quickly. The present case was a 17-year-old girl. In April 2018, she visited our hospital with a chief complaint of stomatitis at the base of her tongue. An induration mass with a diameter of 30mm was found on the left tongue edge. She was diagnosed with left tongue cancer (T3N0M0 Stage 3). We performed tongue resection under general anesthesia and abdominal skin graft. Two months after the operation, we found metastatic findings (interval enlargement and internal echo of the left upper internal cervical lymph node) on US examination. On follow-up, there was no change in lymph node size and internal appearance for two months; however, after two months, the lymph nodes were large and swollen, and CT showed typical findings of metastases. We performed left neck dissection. The imaging findings of the present case may be useful for accurate imaging diagnosis in the future.
鹿島 勇 熊坂 さつき 川股 亮太 香西 雄介
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.48, no.7, pp.403-413, 2005 (Released:2005-10-01)
