岩中 貴裕 高塚 成信
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.18, pp.121-130, 2007 (Released:2017-04-27)

This study aims to investigate how noticing forms in relevant input presented immediately after output encourages learners of English to take lexical items into their IL systems. Twenty nine university students, classified into 3 proficiency levels, took part in an experiment, in which they worked on guided composition, and then took notes of what forms they had noticed in looking at relevant input presented immediately after output. The participants were asked to work on the same guided composition in the following week to examine how they retained lexical items from the relevant input. The results are: 1) The output-input process leads advanced learners to retain more lexical items; 2) The uptake is promoted when: i) the participants analyze a form in the relevant input syntactically, and/or ii) the participants perceive a form in the model as being in contrast with its counterpart in their own output and realize ungrammatical or less appropriate status of the latter; and 3) The output-input process helps learners gain lexical knowledge on use.
宮迫 靖靜 高塚 成信
日本教科教育学会誌 (ISSN:02880334)
vol.28, no.3, pp.63-71, 2005-12-01

本論の目的は,集団規準準拠テスト的側面と形成的評価的側面を兼ね備えた評価法であるカリキュラムに基づく評価法(Curriculum-based ineasurement=CBM)(Fuchs & Fuchs, 1999)として,L1の初等教育及び特殊教育において読解力の指標とされている音読の流暢さ(oral reading fluency=1分間に正しく音読する語数)(Jenkins, et al., 2003)及び音読速度(1分間に音読する総語数)が,日本人英語学習者の英語読解力を示す指標となり得るか調査することである。高校2年生39名を対象に,読解力と音読の流暢さ及び速度重視(速く読む),内容重視(内容理解に努めて読む),理解度換算(内容重視の音読×正誤問題の正答率)の音読速度の関係を調査した結果,(a)音読の流暢さと読解力の基準関連妥当性は,音読の流暢さが読解力の指標となり得る程は高くないが,読解力を示す参考になり得る,(b)音読速度は音読の流暢さと同様に読解力を示す参考になり得る,(c)理解度換算の音読速度がこの用途に適している,等が示された。併せて,英語教育への示唆も示された。