高橋 明善
21世紀東アジア社会学 (ISSN:18830862)
vol.2016, no.8, pp.1-35, 2016-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Farming Family typical of Japanese tradition was stem family. It had the system of patriarch and primogeniture. The eldest son continued to live after marriage in the same house with his parents. The family continues over generations. This was the Japanese family, ‘ie’; ‘In some case, younger sons established branch families (called bunke=分家) . Main family they left was called ‘honke’(本家). Honke and bunke keep intimate cooperative relation in daily lives from generation to generation. Ariga established theory of “ie“ and mura(Japanese village community) in the sociological study of Japanese rural society. In principal work, he insisted as follows. There were two types of rural village. ① Village developed by one powerful stem family. There appeared the group consisting of main family and branch families (Douzok=同族)., including the relation of master and servant ②Village developed by plural families in equal status. Then, there were two types of relation among “ie”. One is vertical(upper ‐lower) one and another is horizontal (equal)one. The former relation appeared as the group of blood relatives’(called douzoku(同族), consisting of main family and branch family. Second type also easily changed to the honke-bunke relation, if there appeared vertical relation. In Japan, Generally, vertical relation become to such kindred -like or patron -client relation. The upper had legitimacy of “publicness”, the lower’s activities were private, and the person on upper status initiate the social relation. The cooperation of Japanese become stronger in vertical relation, and weaker in horizontal one. This is the nationality (national characteristics) of Japan proper, Ariga insisted. After the World Ⅱ, Ariga did not strongly insisted Japanese nationality . His theory concentrate on the study of ‘ie’ .He argued ie and honke-bunke group(同族) were originated to get life-security of group members. This was indispensable in the lacking circumstances of political assistance for life- security. Late in life, Ariga developed the thought of integrate cultural sphere of nation. On behalf of insisting the persistence of cultural tradition in his young days, he thought that this sphere of japan had been gradually changed through the creative activities of Japanese and exchanging with other cultures outside, but on the base of national tradition, Japanese ‘ie’ culture also is changing.
高橋 明善 古城 利明 若林 敬子 大内 雅利 黒柳 晴夫 桑原 政則

一 研究課題1 日米特別行動委員会(SACO)合意に基づく沖縄の基地返還・移設、跡地利用に関する研究(1)名護市における基地移設・ジュゴン保護と住民運動。(2)普天間飛行場移設問題の政治過程。(3)読谷飛行場の返還と跡地利用計画に関して1996年のSACO合意以来の経過を追跡研究した。2 基地引き受けの代替として進められる地域振興策と内発的振興の研究を次の場面で実施した。(1)基地移設に関する日米SACO合意の実施過程。(2)移設先並びに沖縄北部振興(3)読谷飛行場跡地利用 (4)普天間飛行場跡地利用 (5)環境保全と観光開発3 沖縄を中心とする国際交流の研究。沖縄の持つ国際性を移民社会と歴史研究の中で検討した。(1)中国と沖縄の歴史的交流の研究 (2)ブラジルにおける沖縄文化 (3)歴史の中の沖縄とアジア二 研究上の留意点と得られた成果主要研究テーマである基地の返還・移設問題に関して次のような問題を特に重視した。(1)沖縄の戦略的位置づけの変化による米軍再編と基地負担軽減問題。(2)移設元の普天間基地所属の沖縄国際大学への落下、騒音、婦女暴行、危険な訓練実施などの基地被害、基地災害がもたらす基地批判世論の盛り上がり。(3)普天間基地の名護市移設がもたらす環境破壊に反対する運動の国際的拡がり。(4)知事先頭の日米地位協定改定要求運動。(5)以上の結果としてもたらされた普天間基地移設見直しと日米政府の政策転換。(6)普天間基地移設をめぐる政治過程と跡地利用問題。(7)読谷飛行場の返還と跡地利用計画の進展。得られた最も重要な知見は次の2点にある。(1)環境保全への配慮なくしては基地問題の処理も、地域振興も不可能であるほどに環境問題が地城政策の実施にとって根本的な重要性をもつにいたった。(2)沖縄の基地の存在と基地政策は、日米政府による世界最強のシステムが作り出したものである。しかし、そのシステム世界も住民の生活世界からの抵抗を受けることにより、政策を調整・譲歩せざるを得なくなったという重要な帰結がもたらされた。ふたつの世界の葛藤のダイナミズムの研究を通して歴史変動への想像力を拡大することができた。