高畑 常信 鴨田 恒子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
no.77, pp.1-39, 2009-03

Deng-Shiru (1743〜1805) was one of the most remarkable and influential shufa-jia(calligrapher) and zuanke-jia (seal engraver) during the Qing period (1644-1911), and leftan extraordinary impact for future generations."Deng-Shiru Fashu-Xuanji" (1963, Renmin-Chubanshe) is a collection of works ofDeng-Shiru selected for publishing by Deng-Yizhe descended from Deng-Shiru. So far,there have been some studies dealing with part of this publication, but no comprehensiveresearch paper is available. This study aims to integrate past studies and present newresults.The contents are as follows:1) Rewrite the scripts written with ink brush by Deng-Shiru in Zhuan-shu (the engravedseal style of Chinese character writing), Li-shu (the square plain style of Chinesecharacter writing), Kai-shu (the square style of Chinese character writing), Xing-shu (theintermediate style of Chinese character writing), Cao-shu (the cursive style of Chinesecharacter writing) into the modern Chinese characters2) Translate the scripts into Japanese.3) Collect past research papers.4) Annotate on the important related writings obtained by searching works of Qinglitterateurs.5) Describe the new findings and results of the study.