高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.74, pp.A1-A21, 2007-09

1 Wang-Yizhi(王羲之) and Lantingjixu(蘭亭集序) 2 Su-dongpo(蘇東坡)'s Calligraphy Theory 3 Huang-shanggu(黄山谷)'s Calligraphy Theory 4 Zhu-zi(朱子) and Wang-Yizhi(王羲之) 5 Tiexue(帖学) and Beixue(碑学) 6 Yizhou-Suangji(芸舟双揖) by Pao-Shichen(包世臣) 7 Shugai(書概) by Liu-xizai(劉煕載) 8 Zhuangshu(篆書)'s History (from Dazhuan to Xiaozhuan) 9 Zuanshu of The Han dynasty(漢代) and The Tang dynasty(唐代) 10 Yiting ming(恰亭銘), Zhuang shu of The Tang dynasty 11 Wutai ming(〓台銘), Zhuang shu of The Tang dynasty 12 Zhuang shu's History and Greatman in Calligraphy in The Qing dynasty (清代) 13 Old and New in Calligraphy(書法) 14 Hope to Calligraphyier(書法家) 15 Calligraphy and An Exhibition of Writings 16 Point of View in Calligraphy 17 The Concluding or Last Sentence
高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.82, pp.(29)-(75), 2011-09

In 1939, Lin Yutang's Moment in Peking, (Jone Day Co., New York) was published in English, and some years later was translated into Japanese by Ryoichi Sato. This book describes politics and war, as well as the life and thoughts of the old society's upper class citizens during the early 1900s. However, Yutang falsely predicts the historical changes that would occur related to Chinese Communism, Jiang Jieshi, America and Japan. As well, because he did fully understand the reality of the present situation, his book did not become well-liked in the field of literature. It only became a book that provided a political propaganda for criticizing Japan. But his book is very meaningful and worthwhile because of its description of the old society and culture of China during the last days of the falling Qing dynasty, which had been based on feudalism. The "beautiful old society", which he describes, has been completely destroyed by the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party thus Moments in Pekingis an significant work to explain of the life of the old society.
高畑 常信 鴨田 恒子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
no.77, pp.1-39, 2009-03

Deng-Shiru (1743〜1805) was one of the most remarkable and influential shufa-jia(calligrapher) and zuanke-jia (seal engraver) during the Qing period (1644-1911), and leftan extraordinary impact for future generations."Deng-Shiru Fashu-Xuanji" (1963, Renmin-Chubanshe) is a collection of works ofDeng-Shiru selected for publishing by Deng-Yizhe descended from Deng-Shiru. So far,there have been some studies dealing with part of this publication, but no comprehensiveresearch paper is available. This study aims to integrate past studies and present newresults.The contents are as follows:1) Rewrite the scripts written with ink brush by Deng-Shiru in Zhuan-shu (the engravedseal style of Chinese character writing), Li-shu (the square plain style of Chinesecharacter writing), Kai-shu (the square style of Chinese character writing), Xing-shu (theintermediate style of Chinese character writing), Cao-shu (the cursive style of Chinesecharacter writing) into the modern Chinese characters2) Translate the scripts into Japanese.3) Collect past research papers.4) Annotate on the important related writings obtained by searching works of Qinglitterateurs.5) Describe the new findings and results of the study.
高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.89, pp.(1)-(28), 2015-03

Gui (鬼) and Shen (神) are the ancestral souls and gods of a mountain or river. Guai, (怪), Li (力), Luan (乱), and Shen (神) are gods that use a supernatural creature, which revolts against order, and mountains and rivers. Kongzi (孔子) prayed to these deities and taught people to obtain happiness and profits through their own efforts without asking for such. However, many people thing that they would like to obtain happiness simply without having a longing for the things with the "mystical supernatural power" which man cannot know, and without going through a painful struggle. Although Kongzi (孔子) taught the ideal in opposition to many people following the social customs of the day, many people must have followed the social custom rather than his ideal. Previously work by academics have focused on stone monuments with an inscription of three characters (Shigandang:石敢當) or five characters (Taishanshigandang:泰山石敢當). These monuments pay homage to an evil spirit and although the custom of erecting such started in China, they can been see in various places in Japan. For example, Okinawa (沖縄) and their surrounding islands such as Amami Oshima (奄美大島) and Tokunoshima (徳之島), as well as Kagoshima (鹿児島), Miyazaki (宮崎) and Akita (秋田) prefecture. I investigated various sites in Okinawa with Shigandang and noted their locations on a map. There are very few place where Shigandang can be seen. This paper presents a different viewpoint taken by many so far and examines the historical progress of the Shigandang from past to present.
高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.87, pp.(1)-(33), 2014-03

Gui (鬼) and Shen (神) are the ancestral soul and God of a mountain or a river. Guai (怪), Li (力), Luan (乱), Shen (神) are God of what uses a supernatural creature and the violence that is not right, the thing which revolts against order, and mountain and river. Kongzi (孔子) prayed to these deities. Then, he taught people to obtain happiness and profits by own efforts, without asking for happiness or profits. However, many people think that they would like to obtain happiness simply, without having a longing to the thing with "the mystical supernatural power" which man cannot know, and making a painful effort. Although Kongzi (孔子) taught the ideal in opposition to many people following the social custom, many people must have followed the social custom rather than Kongzi's ideal. According to the research which academic predecessors have investigated, a monument which has been carved and stands has three characters of a "Shigandang" (石敢當), or five characters of a "Taishanshigandang"(泰山石敢當) on a rectangular slate, and generally pays homage to an evil spirit. Although it started in China, in Japan, there are many in Okinawa (沖縄) (islands of the circumferences, such as AmamiOshima (奄美大島) and Tokunoshima (徳之島), is included), Kagoshima (鹿児島), Miyazaki (宮崎), and then Akita (秋田). About the districts in Okinawa with many Shigandang, I investigated these places and made what was displayed on the map. In a few areas, the name of a place with a Shigandang can be seen. However, this thesis changes a viewpoint taken by many so far and examines the historical progress of the Shigandang from the past to present.