龔 伶俐
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.691, pp.2039-2045, 2013-09-30 (Released:2013-11-30)

Through the research of “Tong Zhi Tiao Ge”, this paper clarifies the structure of the laws and ordinances relevant to the official building and repair in Yuan dynasty. The results are as follow:1. With the format of TiaoGe(条格) had changed from the Ling(令) to Chi(勅), the influence of “Ying Shan Ling ”(営繕令) over “Tong Zhi Tiao Ge”(通制条格) was became disappear during the late Yuan dynasty.2. “Tong Zhi Tiao Ge”, aims at supervising the official building and repair, has mainly the same contexts as “Ying Shan Ling” in Song dynasty, except the lack of legal code for city wall and architectural style. Furthermore, the ordinances of official residence's repair are more important than building regulation in Yuan dynasty.3. The system of inspection, judgment and supply upon the official building and repair would have founded in Yuan dynasty.