石川 智久 Wanping Aw Alexander Lezhava 林崎 良英
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.59, no.2, pp.98-108, 2010-02-28 (Released:2017-02-10)

ヒトゲノム解析が完了し,それに伴い個々の遺伝子多型に基づくテーラーメイド医療(個別化医療)の実現が期待されている.特に,薬物の標的,薬物代謝酵素,薬物トランスポーター等の遺伝子多型を調べて薬の副作用や体内動態,薬物の効果および副作用の可能性を予測することは,個別化医療の実現において必須である.理化学研究所で開発されたSmart amplification process(SmartAmp)法は,ミスマッチ結合蛋白質の存在下,遺伝子型特異的なプライマーを用いてDNA等温増幅を行う高速かつ簡便なSNP検出技術である.本綜説では,薬物輸送に関与するABCトランスポーターABCB1,ABCC4,ABCC11の遺伝子多型をSmartAmp法によって検出する方法と,それを用いて薬の副作用を予測する臨床応用の可能性を示す.
Katsuhiko Tsunekawa Yoshimaro Yanagawa Tomoyuki Aoki Tadashi Morimura Osamu Araki Takayuki Ogiwara Yuki Kawai Yasumasa Mitani Alexander Lezhava Masumi Yanagawa Yoshihide Hayashizaki Masami Murakami
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.1109280629-1109280629, (Released:2011-09-30)
7 12

β2 and β3 adrenergic receptor (β2AR, β3AR) and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) have been considered as candidate genes for obesity. Although each polymorphism of β3AR Trp64Arg, β2AR Arg16Gly and UCP1 -3826A>G is known to be associated with obesity, the interaction among these polymorphisms is not fully understood. We analyzed β3AR Trp64Arg, β2AR Arg16Gly and UCP1 -3826A>G polymorphisms by the Smart Amplification Process 2 in 222 Japanese subjects without the medication of hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes, and investigated the association between the physical and metabolic characteristics and the combination of these polymorphisms. In analysis of the genotypes combination, only the carriers of both β2AR Arg/Arg and UCP1 G/G genotypes had significantly higher waist to hip ratio (p=0.014). In analysis of the alleles combination, a significant difference was observed in waist to hip ratio among the groups stratified by the carrying number of the alleles of β3AR Arg, β2AR Arg and UCP1 G (p=0.026), and the waist to hip ratio was significantly higher in the carriers of four and five risk alleles than in the carriers from zero to three risk alleles (p=0.005). The present study demonstrated the interaction among β3AR Trp64Arg, β2AR Arg16Gly and UCP1 -3826A>G for the accumulation of visceral fat.