1 0 0 0 OA Corrigendum

Editor The
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.57, no.1, pp.116, 2015 (Released:2019-08-27)

Corrigendum Corrigendum to Ryuzo Kuroki, 'Izumi Hishiyama and His Thoughts on the Circular Process and Pric-es of Production: The Journey of Economics from Quesnay to Sraffa,' published in Vol. 56-2 (January, 2015). The author found it imperative to correct an inaccu-rate expression in the above article after its publica-tion. Considering the misleading nature of the inac-curacy, the editorial board permits him to correct it as follows. The word 'Communist Party' in footnote 4 on page 3 of the issue must be corrected to 'Socialist Party.' The author acknowledges his indebtedness to Pro-fessor Luigi Pasinetti for this correction. The editor and author apologize for this error.