今村 友美 高橋 志乃 大内 智恵子 境谷 友希 西村 典子 松井 理恵 安井 恵理子 堀江 登 Tomomi Imamura Shino Takahashi Chieko Ouchi Yuki Sakaiya Noriko Nishimura Rie Matsui Eriko Yasui Noboru Horie
武庫川女子大学紀要. 自然科学編 (ISSN:09163123)
vol.56, pp.89-94, 2009-03-31

This study is focused on overdose of vitamin E. In particular,we examined its influence on pregnancy using a laboratory animal. It showed no change of hemoglobin level and triglyceride level in blood by the difference of vitamin E dose. However,it showed that antioxygenation of the vitamin E was shown because the fall of TBARS value in the brain that was taken have much vitamin E intakes. The cause was not clear,the vitamin E intake of inappropriate quantity may cause pregnancy abnormality. Because, pregnancy abnormal ratios increased that growth insufficiency of the fetus was observed low group and high group in vitamin E. It suggested that the surplus intake of the vitamin E have possibilities to cause bad influence to pregnancy.