原口 美帆 安藤 元一 Haraguchi Miho Motokazu Ando 東京農業大学大学院 農学研究科バイオセラピー学専攻 東京農業大学大学院 農学研究科バイオセラピー学専攻 Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships Faculty of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships Faculty of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.59, no.2, pp.128-136,

明治時代から現在に至るハンターの関心事項の変遷を探るため,1891-2008年に発行された狩猟雑誌4誌(猟之友,銃猟界,狩猟と畜犬,狩猟界)の記事内容を調査した.雑誌1冊あたりの総ページ数,記事総数,広告数は,1950年代から1970年にかけての狩猟ブームの折に急増し,以降は減少傾向が続いた。これらの傾向は狩猟人口の変化と一致していたが,猟犬関連の記事にはそうした相関は見られなかった。記事が扱う鳥獣は,1950年代までは鳥類が主であったが,1980年代からは獣類の方が多くなった。クマは実際の捕獲数と比べて記事の数が多く,ハンターの関心の高さがうかがえた。獣類記事の中では1970年代までウサギが多かったが,1980年代以降はシカ・イノシシが8割以上を占めた。これらの傾向も実際の狩猟頭数や有害駆除頭数の変化を反映しており、狩猟がスポーツから獣害対策の手段に変化したことを示していた。This study was intended to investigate the change of article contents in hunters' magazines and animal/bird-related books for about 120 years from Meiji Era to the present. The following four hunters' magazines that were published during 1891-2008 were investigated: `Ryo-no-tomo (Friends of hunters)', `Juuryo-kai (Hunting gun world)', `Shuryo-to-chikken (Hunting and dog)' and `Shuryokai (Hunting world). Total page numbers per copy of hunting magazines steadily increased towards 1970 and started to decrease slowly thereafter. Total number of articles and the number of advertising articles also showed similar trends. Except for wartime (1918 and 1940), those changes were in proportion with the population number of registered hunters. Among advertising articles, those about hunting guns were dominant from the 1950s through 1970s. From 2000s, advertisements on hunting-related materials such as traps and clothing became the majority. In particular increase of trap-related advertisements increased sharply. In articles of hunting techniques, main target animals were birds in the 1950s, but shifted to mammals in the 1980s. Mammal-related articles were mainly on hares until the 1970s, but they shifted to deer and wild boars after the 1980s, occupying more than 80% of articles. This seemed to be a reflection that the number of hunted hares started to decrease after the 1970s and the number of hunted deer and wild boar for wildlife damage control increased after 2000. It turned out that the increase and decrease of total page numbers in hunting magazines was in proportion to the population of hunter, with the exception of wartime. They also reflected levels of wildlife damage and the actual hunting head count.
原口 美帆 安藤 元一 Haraguchi Miho Motokazu Ando
vol.59, no.2, pp.128-136,
