Hitoshi Ueno Yasuyoshi Sayato Katsuhiko Nakamuro
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Journal of Health Science (ISSN:13449702)
vol.46, no.2, pp.110-116, 2000-04-01 (Released:2008-04-14)
4 6

Hematological effects of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and its metabolites were investigated. In vitro exposure of mouse, rat and human blood cells to ClO2 and the reduction by-product, chlorite (ClO2-) resulted in the formation of methemoglobin, a decrease in the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and in the content of reduced glutathione (GSH), and an increase in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formation and hemolysis. The H2O2 formation and hemolysis induced by ClO2 and ClO2 - in mouse blood cells were the highest among cells tested, and human blood cells were more resistant to the oxidative stress than rat and mouse blood cells. Both compounds also showed more toxic responses to E. coli mutants lacking production of catalase DSH19 (katEG), superoxide dismutase DSH56 (sodAB) and both of them DSH67 (katEG sodAB) than the wild strain DSH7 by Kat-sod assay, as a biological detection method for reactive oxygen species, suggesting the production of H2O2 and superioxide anion. For subchronic study of ClO2, mice received drinking water containing 100, 1000, 1500 or 2000mg/l ClO2 in the presence of the stabilizer, 1200mg/l of sodium bicarbonate ad libitum for 30, 60 or 90days. Statistically significant hematological changes were observed in animals exposed to more than 1000mg/l ClO2, which showed augmented G-6-PD activity in erythrocytes and increased resistance to hemolysis in hypotonic solution. The results of this study therefore indicate that ClO2 acutely causes hematotoxicity toward mice by producing reactive oxygen species and by weakening the protection systems to oxidative stress in erythrocytes, although the latter may be induced by long term exposure, while humans appear to be more resistant to this hematotoxicity.
上野 矗 ウエノ ヒトシ Hitoshi UENO
vol.5, pp.25-33, 2006-01-31

経験的現象学的方法から涙に関するこれまでの研究を通じて、勘が質的な意味分析法に基礎的かつ重要な認識方法として注目されてきた。勘は、人間科学の方法として直感的方法のひとつとして位置づけられるからである。黒田亮によれば、勘は覚=Comprehensionを、竹内によれば、第六感を意味する。勘は、黒田亮の心的立体感(psychical stereoscopy)、また黒田正典の人のゲシュタルト化された経験の総体の重心にある。筆者は、これを相反し合う経験の統合点にみる。いずれにもせよ、勘は、二分思考法にではなく、統合的思考法に依拠している。こうした意味及び実践の実際からも、勘は、臨床心理学の方法論上有意義で重要な認識方法と位置づけられる。と同時に、なお一層の検討が要請されよう。
Koichi Murano Hirofumi Ogino Tomofumi Okuno Tomohiro Arakawa Hitoshi Ueno
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.41, no.1, pp.92-98, 2018-01-01 (Released:2018-01-01)

The role of supplementary selenium on the induction of insulin resistance and oxidative stress in a diabetic mouse model was investigated in NSY mice on a high fat diet (HFD) and administered seleno-L-methionine (SeMet)-containing water for 12 weeks. Significant increases in oral glucose tolerance-tested (OGTT), insulin tolerance-tested, and non-fasting blood glucose levels were observed in mice on a HFD, as well as the significant increases in OGTT and non-fasting plasma insulin levels. Mice on a HFD had decreased plasma adiponectin levels and increased free fatty acid (FFA) levels. Supplementary SeMet significantly augmented OGTT blood glucose levels in mice on a HFD and plasma FFA levels in mice on a normal diet. The mRNA levels of six selenoproteins were measured, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 1 and selenoprotein P (SelP) were selected as candidates that may be associated with insulin resistance or oxidative stress in the liver. Hepatic GPx1 expression was elevated in mice on a HFD and SeMet supplementation, and SelP expression increased in mice on a HFD. Histopathological observations in hepatic tissues showed hypertrophy of parenchymal cells and significant expression of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in mice on a HFD, indicating lipid accumulation and oxidative stress induction. Hepatic protein tyrosine phosphatase activity also increased by a HFD. These results suggest that hepatic lipid accumulation in NSY mice on a HFD promoted oxidative stress and hepatic SelP expression, and supplementary SeMet induced hepatic GPx1 expression.
上野 矗 ウエノ ヒトシ Hitoshi UENO
vol.4, pp.63-74, 2005-01-31

ここでは、ショッキングな出来事を契機に人間不信に陥ったケースを例示し、援助的理解をはかるT様グループのかかわり合いのプロセスに経験的現象学的方法による意味分析を試みる。そこから感情体験表明としての涙が援助的理解にとってもつ意味と効用に関して検討を加えようとする。 検討結果は、次のようである。 1)感情体験表明としての涙がその意味と効用たらしめるのには、送り手と受け手の反応の仕様が大きくあずかっている。 2)涙は心理的なしこりを溶かす。 3)涙は抑制された情緒的エネルギーを解放し、カタルシスをはかる。 4)涙は心の傷を癒す。 5)涙は気づきや洞察への契機となり、導き手となり、その証明を確認する。 6)涙は援助的理解を確実にし、また深めていく。 7)涙は、人をして生涯時間の時制を"生きられた時間"の展望に向けた再編成をはかり、そこから新しく生産的で健やかな生活世界への道を開らく。すなわち、過去をいまに引き入れ既往化し、新しい意味づけを見い出し、これを足場に、未来を将来化し、新しい展望を拓らくのである。 8)なお、涙は、丁度ステロイド剤がそうであるように、両刃の刃で、その効用と同時に有害ともなりうるとの認識の重要さが指摘される 。