池内 敏 IKEUCHI Satoshi
JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究 (ISSN:18844766)
vol.5, pp.38-49, 2014-03-28

BAISO Kenjyo (梅荘顕常) was a priest of the Shokoku-ji Temple (相国寺) in Kyoto. He is well known as a writer of Chinese poetry in the Edo period. In this paper, I will analyze three events that connect him to Korea at three different times, 1. in 1764, 2. from 1781 to 83, and 3. in 1791. 1. First, during a diplomatic mission to Japan from Korea in 1764, a murder took place in Osaka in which Tsushima samurai killed a member of the mission. For those members of mission that wanted to know in detail the progress of the case, BAISO Kenjyo made a record of the murder case and presented it to them. They read it and gave it high praise. 2. Later, BAISO Kenjyo went to the Itei-an Temple (以酊庵) in Tsushima on rotation duty (輪番制 rinbansei), and there he conducted interviews with Korean castaways. The Chinese poetry he wrote during that time reflects the warmth BAISO Kenjyo felt for these castaways. 3. Finally, from 1764 he was involved in planning of the diplomatic missions to Japan from Korea. When the ministers of the Edo Shogunate consulted BAISO Kenjyo, he explained the history of Japan-Korea relations in terms of the conquest of Korea by Empress Jingu (三韓征伐 sankanseibatsu). It is important to note that conflicted views of Koreans coexist within the one person.
池内 敏 IKEUCHI Satoshi
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.63, pp.89-115, 2017

In 1734, Diplomatic mission from Chosen Dynasty (Yakkann-shi) came to Tsushima and staying for about three months, there were many events held public or privately. This paper clarifies the appearance of cross-cultural exchanges by comparing the Diary of KIM hong-jyo and the records of Tsushima prefecture.
池内 敏 IKEUCHI Satoshi
名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報 (ISSN:1348687X)
vol.15, pp.19-23, 2018-03-31

This paper discusses the results from a survey of the Highashi-Takagi family’s historical documents, initially held by Taihoku Imperial University(TIU) and inherited by the National Taiwan University(NTU) Library. The survey was conducted on three occasions, during June, August, and December 2017. The Highashi-Takagi collection consists of materials purchased and registered for use in Japanese history(kokugakushi) lectures at the Taihoku Imperial University the Literature and Politics division. The collection includes 43 items spanning from the beginning to the middle of the 19th century. Each item concerns the duties borne by the Takagi family during the passage of Ryukyu envoys. A provisional organized catalog is included in the report.
池内 敏 IKEUCHI Satoshi
名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報 (ISSN:1348687X)
vol.15, pp.19-23, 2018-03-31

This paper discusses the results from a survey of the Highashi-Takagi family's historical documents, initially held by Taihoku Imperial University(TIU) and inherited by the National Taiwan University(NTU) Library. The survey was conducted on three occasions, during June, August, and December 2017. The Highashi-Takagi collection consists of materials purchased and registered for use in Japanese history(kokugakushi) lectures at the Taihoku Imperial University the Literature and Politics division. The collection includes 43 items spanning from the beginning to the middle of the 19th century. Each item concerns the duties borne by the Takagi family during the passage of Ryukyu envoys. A provisional organized catalog is included in the report.本稿は、科研費基盤研究(B)「旗本高木家文書を中心とした分散資料の統合と共有化に関する研究」(課題番号15H03237、研究代表者は石川寛)による研究成果の一部である。
池内 敏 IKEUCHI Satoshi
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.63, pp.89-115, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-04-05)

In 1734, Diplomatic mission from Chosen Dynasty (Yakkann-shi) came to Tsushima and staying for about three months, there were many events held public or privately. This paper clarifies the appearance of cross-cultural exchanges by comparing the Diary of KIM hong-jyo and the records of Tsushima prefecture.