モングーシュ マリーナ V. Marina V. Mongush
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.35-62, 2013-12-25

This article is a preliminary report on the international expedition to theTuvans in China, Russia, and Mongolia that was conducted in the summer of2012 as a Cultural Resource Project of the National Museum of Ethnology(Minpaku). The author investigates features of the way of life and cultureof the Tuvans living in these countries and clarifies the similarities anddifferences arising from their different social circumstances. The majorityof Tuvans live in Russia, where they have a recognized position and territory—the Tuva Republic. In the territories of China and Mongolia, Tuvansare national minorities and do not have national-territorial status. HoweverTuvans of all three countries still keep their native language, ethnic consciousnessand traditional culture. This article focuses on elements rangingfrom “historical baggage” to the language and cultural situation of this community,to relations with the host societies, and to the interaction betweenthese factors.