山下 一也 井山 ゆり 松本 亥智江 井上 千晶 松岡 文子 磯村 由美 飯塚 桃子 梶谷 みゆき 吾郷 美奈恵 齋藤 茂子 湯澤 雄一郎 片倉 賢紀 橋本 道男 加藤 節司 Kazuya YAMASITA Yuri IYAMA Ayako MATSUOKA Yumi ISOMURA Momoko IIZUKA Miyuki KAJITANI Minae AGO Sigeko SAITO Yoichiro FUKUZAWA Masanori KATAKURA Michio HASHIMOTO Setsuji KATO
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.1, pp.25-30, 2007-12-10

高齢者の趣味の有無が認知機能と関連しているとの報告が多くなされている。今回、地域在住一般高齢者272名(平均年齢72.3歳)を対象に趣味の有無と認知機能の関連を検討した。趣味を有する群(186名)と無趣味群(86名)では、主観的幸福感、抑うつ程度、 日常生活動作には有意差は見られなかったが、認知機能においては、趣味を有する群では無趣味群に比して有意に高値であった。また、趣味を有する群では、無趣味群に比して、物事に好奇心があり、社交的な性格であった。認知症予防において、趣味を持つことを積極的に勧めることは重要と思われる。
Michio Hashimoto Motoko Maekawa Masanori Katakura Kei Hamazaki Yutaka Matsuoka
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (ISSN:13478613)
vol.124, no.3, pp.294-300, 2014-03-20 (Released:2014-03-18)
13 47

Increasing evidence from the fields of neurophysiology and neuropathology has uncovered the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in protecting neuronal cells from oxidative damage, controlling inflammation, regulating neurogenesis, and preserving neuronal function. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that deficits in the dietary PUFA docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are associated with the onset and progression of neuropsychiatric illnesses such as dementia, schizophrenia, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recent clinical trials have offered compelling evidence that suggests that n-3 PUFA could reduce depressive, psychotic, and suicidal symptoms, as well as aggression. Although many studies have had the validity of their results questioned because of small sample size, several studies have indicated that n-3 PUFA are useful therapeutic tools for the treatment of dementia, major depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. These findings suggest that the pharmacological and nutritional actions of n-3 PUFA may be beneficial in certain neuropsychiatric illnesses. This review article outlines the role of PUFA in neurodevelopment and the regulatory mechanisms in neuronal stem cell differentiation and also the possible use of PUFA as a prescription medicine for the prophylaxis or treatment of neuropsychiatric illnesses such as dementia, mood disorder, and PTSD.