Nomura Takeshi Kawano Fuminori Kang Myung Sun Lee Jun Hak Han Eun Young Kim Chang Keun Sato Yuzo Ohira Yoshinobu
一般社団法人 日本生理学会
The Japanese Journal of Physiology (ISSN:0021521X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.85-93, 2002

The effects of 20-week cold exposure on contractile properties of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles and plasma hormone levels were studied in rats. Twenty male Wistar rats (5 week old) were randomly divided into 2 groups (n = 10 each): cage-control and cold-exposed. The rats in the cold-exposed group were immersed in shoulder-deep water (~18&deg;C) for 1 h/d, 5 d/week, for 20 weeks. The temperature and humidity of the animal room with 12:12 h light-dark cycle were maintained at ~23&deg;C and 55%, respectively. The rats were pair-fed powdered diets. The electromyogram activities in soleus and EDL were elevated by cold exposure. The body weight and absolute soleus wet weight of the cold-exposed group were significantly less than controls at the end of experiment. The one-half relaxation time and contraction time of EDL were significantly longer in the cold-exposed group than in the control group. The rate of twitch tension development, normalized by the maximum twitch tension, in EDL of the cold-exposed group was less than in the control group. Further, the fatigue resistance of EDL, but not of soleus, in response to train stimulation at 10 Hz was improved by cold exposure. The plasma levels of thyroid hormones, 3,5,3&prime;-triiodothyronine and thyroxine, were significantly greater in cold-exposed group. Similar changes were also seen in the plasma catecholamine levels in the cold-exposed group (p > 0.05). It is suggested that long-term cold exposure causes a shift of the contractile properties of fast-twitch EDL muscle toward the slow-twitch type. The results also indicated that the characteristics of muscles responded more strongly to an increased activity level than to the elevation of plasma hormones.<br>
柴原 拓哉 大場 友裕 石原 達朗 田中 剛貴 大平 充宣 シバハラ タクヤ オオバ トモヒロ イシハラ タツロウ タナカ ゴウキ オオヒラ ヨシノブ Shibahara Takuya Oba Tomohiro Ishihara Tatsuro Tanaka Goki Ohira Yoshinobu
同志社スポーツ健康科学 (ISSN:18834132)
vol.7, pp.52-66, 2015-06

解説(Technical review)最大酸素消費量 (VO2 max) レベルは,有酸素性運動能力を示す良い指標で,その測定やそれを高めるためのトレーニングが実施されている.エリート選手におけるVO2 maxは,非鍛錬者よりも高いのは事実だが,エリート長距離走選手における値は,必ずしも彼らのベストレコードと正の相関はない.ランニングエコノミーやvelocity at VO2 maxも重要な持久性運動能力の指標である.VO2 maxは,心拍出量と筋における酸素消費量に影響されるので,各種トレーニングに対する心臓の形態的および機能的適応や骨格筋におけるミトコンドリアエネルギー代謝の適応パターン等を追求し,持久性運動パフォーマンスにおけるVO2 maxの貢献等に考察を加えてみた.It is well-known that the level of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is one of the good parameters, which indicate the aerobic athletic performance. Although it is true that the levels of VO2 max in elite athletes are clearly higher than those of non-athletes, some studies show that there is no correlation between the level of VO2 max and performance of distance running in elite runners. Running economy and velocity at VO2 max are other important parameters for endurance capacity. Since the level of VO2 max is influenced by the oxygen transport and utilization capacity, the morphological and functional adaptation of heart and skeletal muscles to various exercise trainings were reviewed in order to discuss the contribution of VO2 max to endurance exercise capacity.