Yoko Nomura Toshio Sasaki Hyung-Been Kang Ryuichi Suwa
The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (ISSN:21897654)
vol.73, no.11, pp.317-326, 2017-11-10 (Released:2017-11-28)

Okinawa Island is part of the Ryukyu Islands located in southern Japan. Basho-fu is a unique and traditional Okinawan textile made from the banana plant Itobasho. The traditional production process of Bashofu has not been well studied scientifically. In this study, materials from the traditional degumming process (Udaki) of Basho-fu were characterized by morphological observation and other analytical instruments (FT-IR and XRD). The fiber materials degummed by the traditional and the modern laboratory methods were compared. The vascular bundles of the main component of Basho-fu fibers were conserved in the materials processed by the two degumming methods. However the FT-IR study indicated that the traditional method was milder than the laboratory process. The results scientifically confirms that the delicate traditional degumming step is a crucial process in the production of the fine Basho-fu textiles.
Ryuichi Suwa Hironori Tajima Shinichi Gima Naoko Uehara Kenta Watanabe Shin Yabuta Jun Tominaga Yoshinobu Kawamitsu
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-069, (Released:2018-03-13)

In Japan, several plant species have high commercial value because of their functional properties. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of soil type (red, dark-red, and gray soil) and growth stage (vegetative and reproductive) on the growth and polyphenol production (chlorogenic acid, rutin, hesperidin, and diosmin) of P. japonicum. Plants grown in gray soil had the heaviest dry weight, followed by those grown in dark-red soil. Flowering plants grown in gray soil had a polyphenol concentration lower than those grown in the other two soil types. However, differences in the concentration of polyphenols were even larger between the growth stages. During the flowering period, the concentration of polyphenols sharply increased in the stems. Additionally, the flowers contained relatively similar amounts of polyphenols to stems and leaves, accounting for approximately 1/4–1/2 of the net amount in the plant.