Yoshiyuki UEDA Masato NUNOI Sakiko YOSHIKAWA
Psychologia Society
pp.2019-A009, (Released:2020-05-28)
1 13

We developed a new high-resolution facial expression image database with multiple face directions and multiple gaze directions. This database was developed for usage as materials for psychological experiments and included six basic expressions (angry, disgusted, fearful, happy, sad, and surprised) and neutral expressions. Facial expressions in the database were formed in accordance with the instructions based on previous studies. To obtain the most expressive faces, models checked their facial expressions via a prompter, and we recorded them with video clips. After shooting, we extracted the most expressive images from the video clips. The size and location of the faces and lighting were perfectly controlled. With these procedures, we obtained 4,736 images in total. As a validation procedure, images in the database were presented to naïve observers: some of them judged the intensity of each facial expression and others categorized the images as basic facial expressions. Furthermore, personality traits of models were evaluated and principal components of East Asian face evaluations were obtained. This database, including the results of validation experiments, is available to researchers for non-commercial academic use only.