Masatsune Takeda Shane T. Ahyong Naoya Ohtsuchi Hironori Komatsu
National Museum of Nature and Sciece
国立科学博物館研究報告A類(動物学) (ISSN:18819052)
vol.48, no.4, pp.147-191, 2022-11-22 (Released:2022-11-22)

The crabs collected by the RV Hakuhō Maru (KH-72-1 cruise) in the South China Sea are recorded as the fourth part following the previous three parts of the series (Sulu Sea and Sibutu Passage, Timor Sea, and Sahul Shelf). They are mostly shallow water inhabitants, representing 35 species of 31 genera in 13 families, with two new species of the family Epialtidae, Naxioides elongatus sp. nov. and Samadinia hakuhoae sp. nov. Taxonomic comments are given for each species. In this fourth and final part, biogeographic notes on all the species collected by RV Hakuhō Maru (KH-72-1 cruise) are briefly summarized, together with a list of the crabs collected by the RV Hakuhō Maru (KH-73-2 cruise) in the South China Sea.