Shin Takayama Tetsuhiro Yoshino Sayaka Koizumi Yasuhito Irie Tomoko Suzuki Susumu Fujii Rie Katori Mosaburo Kainuma Seiichi Kobayashi Tatsuya Nogami Kenichi Yokota Mayuko Yamazaki Satoko Minakawa Shigeki Chiba Norio Suda Yoshinobu Nakada Tatsuya Ishige Hirofumi Maehara Yutaka Tanaka Mahiko Nagase Akihiko Kashio Kazuhisa Komatsu Makoto Nojiri Osamu Shimooki Kayo Nakamoto Ryutaro Arita Rie Ono Natsumi Saito Akiko Kikuchi Minoru Ohsawa Hajime Nakae Tadamichi Mitsuma Masaru Mimura Tadashi Ishii Kotaro Nochioka Shih-Wei Chiu Takuhiro Yamaguchi Takao Namiki Akito Hisanaga Kazuo Mitani Takashi Ito
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.0027-22, (Released:2022-11-02)

Objective Patients in whom coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was suspected or confirmed between January 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021, were enrolled from Japanese hospitals in this multicenter, retrospective, observational study. Methods Data on the treatment administered (including conventional and Kampo medicine) and changes in common cold-like symptoms (such as fever, cough, sputum, dyspnea, fatigue, and diarrhea) were collected from their medical records. The primary outcome was the number of days without a fever (with a body temperature <37 °C). The secondary outcomes were symptomatic relief and the worsening of illness, defined as the presence of a condition requiring oxygen inhalation. The outcomes of patients treated with and without Kampo medicine were compared. Patients We enrolled 962 patients, among whom 528 received conventional and Kampo treatment (Kampo group) and 434 received conventional treatment (non-Kampo group). Results Overall, after adjusting for the staging of COVID-19 and risk factors, there were no significant between-group differences in the symptoms or number of days being afebrile. After performing propensity score matching and restricting the included cases to those with confirmed COVID-19 who did not receive steroid administration and initiated treatment within 4 days from the onset, the risk of illness worsening was significantly lower in the Kampo group than in the non-Kampo group (odds ratio=0.113, 95% confidence interval: 0.014-0.928, p=0.0424). Conclusion Early Kampo treatment may suppress illness worsening risk in COVID-19 cases without steroid use. Further randomized controlled studies are needed to confirm the clinical benefit of Kampo medicine for COVID-19.
鈴木 朋子 山東 勤弥 Tomoko SUZUKI Kinya SANDO
大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:21860459)
vol.6, pp.253-263, 2016-01

本研究は、広くダイエット法として普及している低炭水化物ダイエット(Low Carbohydrate Diet: LCD)の 減量効果および安全性について検討することを目的とする。方法は、1)LCD の方法について概観し、2)LCD の体 重減少効果について報告した学術論文を収集し、文献的に検討した。その結果、LCD の特徴は、炭水化物(糖質)を 含む食品の摂取は制限するが、たんぱく質および脂質を主成分とする食品に対する制限は設けられていなかった。医 学系学術論文データベースを用いて検索し、21 論文を検討対象とした。体重減少効果は、1)観察期間が長いほど、 2)炭水化物熱量比が低いほど、高くなる傾向が観察された。また、3)Blackburn の体重減少の評価法を参照する と、約70%の研究で高度な体重減少が観察され、安全性への疑問が示唆された。LCD は、一般的に健康的な食事と して推奨される食事の熱量構成比と大きく異なること、糖尿病性腎症患者においては腎機能を悪化させる危険を伴う ことをはじめ、適正かつ注意喚起を促す情報をあわせて普及していくことの重要性が窺われる。Weight loss effects and safety of low carbohydrate diets(LCD), which are common in Japan, are examined. This literature review was conducted to reveal 1)features of the LCD methods, 2)factors that influence weight loss, and 3)safety of weight loss, with reference to Blackburn's weight loss clinical evaluation index. Twenty one LCD studies, whose subjects were healthy obese people, were selected for review from the academic medical research database. Most LCDs allow intake of high fat and high protein foods, rather than a strict regime of limiting carbohydrates. Weight loss appeared to be greater in studies with longer rather than with shorter observation periods. Also, the greater weight loss was observed, the carbohydrate to energy intake ratio became smaller. Rapid weight loss was observed in about 70% of the studies, which presents a risk of malnutrition. LCDs should be used with caution because 1)the energy ratios of LCDs diverge widely from the healthy diet that is recommended from Japanese dietary reference intakes, and 2)the risks of worsening renal function will increase if patients with diabetic nephropathy use LCDs. Warnings about possible negative effects of LCDs should be publicised to protect people's health.
鈴木 朋子 山東 勤弥 Tomoko SUZUKI Kinya SANDO
大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要 = Research Bulletin of Osaka Shoin Women's University
vol.6, pp.253-263, 2016-01-31

本研究は、広くダイエット法として普及している低炭水化物ダイエット(Low Carbohydrate Diet: LCD)の 減量効果および安全性について検討することを目的とする。方法は、1)LCD の方法について概観し、2)LCD の体 重減少効果について報告した学術論文を収集し、文献的に検討した。その結果、LCD の特徴は、炭水化物(糖質)を 含む食品の摂取は制限するが、たんぱく質および脂質を主成分とする食品に対する制限は設けられていなかった。医 学系学術論文データベースを用いて検索し、21 論文を検討対象とした。体重減少効果は、1)観察期間が長いほど、 2)炭水化物熱量比が低いほど、高くなる傾向が観察された。また、3)Blackburn の体重減少の評価法を参照する と、約70%の研究で高度な体重減少が観察され、安全性への疑問が示唆された。LCD は、一般的に健康的な食事と して推奨される食事の熱量構成比と大きく異なること、糖尿病性腎症患者においては腎機能を悪化させる危険を伴う ことをはじめ、適正かつ注意喚起を促す情報をあわせて普及していくことの重要性が窺われる。
Masanori A. Murayama Nagisa Arimitsu Jun Shimizu Naruyoshi Fujiwara Kenji Takai Yoko Okada Chieko Hirotsu Erika Takada Tomoko Suzuki Noboru Suzuki
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Experimental Animals (ISSN:13411357)
vol.70, no.3, pp.387-397, 2021 (Released:2021-08-06)
1 6

Elderly patients with dementia suffer from cognitive dysfunctions and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) such as anxiety and depression. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a form of age-related dementia, and loss of cholinergic neurons is intimately associated with development of AD symptoms. We and others have reported that neural cell transplantation ameliorated cognitive dysfunction in AD model mice. It remains largely unclear whether neural cell transplantation ameliorates the NPS of AD. It would be interesting to determine whether NPS correlates with cognitive dysfunctions before and after neural cell transplantation in AD model mice. Based on the revalidation of our previous data from a Morris water maze test, we found that neural cell transplantation improved anxiety and depression significantly and marginally affected locomotion activity in AD mice. A correlation analysis revealed that the spatial learning function of AD mice was correlated with their NPS scores both before and after cell transplantation in a similar manner. In contrast, in the mice subjected to cell transplantation, spatial reference memory function was not correlated with NPS scores. These results suggested the neural cell transplantation in the AD model mice significantly improved NPS to the same degree as cognitive dysfunctions, possibly via distinct mechanisms, such as the cholinergic and GABAergic systems.
Masanori A. Murayama Nagisa Arimitsu Jun Shimizu Naruyoshi Fujiwara Kenji Takai Yoshiki Ikeda Yoko Okada Chieko Hirotsu Erika Takada Tomoko Suzuki Noboru Suzuki
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Experimental Animals (ISSN:13411357)
vol.70, no.3, pp.398-405, 2021 (Released:2021-08-06)
1 4

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a prevalent neurological disorder affecting memory function in elderly persons. Indeed, AD exhibits abnormality in cognitive behaviors and higher susceptibility to neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS). Various factors including aging, sex difference and NPS severity, are implicated during in development of AD. In this study, we evaluated behavioral abnormalities of AD model, PDAPP transgenic mice at young age using the Morris Water Maze test, which was established to assess hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. We found that female AD model mice exhibited spatial learning dysfunction and highly susceptible to NPS such as anxiety and depression, whereas spatial reference memory function was comparable in female PDAPP Tg mice to female wild type (WT) mice. Spatial learning function was comparable in male AD model mice to male WT mice. Multiple regression analysis showed that spatial learning dysfunction was associated with NPS severity such as anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the analysis showed that spatial reference memory function was associated with status of depression, but not anxiety. Thus, these results suggest female dominance of spatial learning dysfunction in the AD model mice accompanying increased NPS severity. The understandings of AD model may be useful for the development of therapeutic agents and methods in human AD.