畝部 俊也 UNEBE Toshiya
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.57, pp.19-39, 2011-03-31

Śivatāṇḍava-stotra is a Sanskrit hymn of praise to the Lord Śiva in the Hindu religious tradition. It has beenvery popular in India and is famous for its high literary grace. And it is traditionally ascribed to Rāvaṇa, the rivalof Rāma who is the hero of one of the two cerebrated Indian epics, Rāmāyaṇa.This article presents a Japanese translation of this hymn with annotation. The Rāmāyaṇa (chapter 7, section16) narrates the account of how Rāvaṇa became a devotee (bhakta) of Śiva and how he came to sing the hymn tohim. This episode is also translated in this article.The hymn describes many mūrti (forms) of Śiva related to his various mythological episodes. The annotationexplains these related episodes and the visual representations as well.
畝部 俊也 Unebe Toshiya
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.59, pp.35-57, 2013

In the Paññāsa-Jātaka transmitted in central Thailand, there are as many as eight stories of self-sacrifice (ajjhattika-dāna), where a bodhisatta declares that he carries out his self-sacrifice not to get the achievement of a sāvaka or paccekabuddha but to attain omniscience. It is said that this declaration seems to be influenced by Mahāyānistic ideal of Bodhisattva. Based on our recent studies on Pāli palm leaf manuscripts of the Paññāsa-Jātaka, this paper investigates this type of declarations. Further, similar declarations in parallel stories in jātaka collections in Sri Lanka and Myammar, as well as declarations in related accounts in the Pāli Nikāyas and their commentaries are examined. (See Unebe 2012 for an English version.)