李 相済 廣橋 容子 リ サンジェ ヒロハシ ヨウコ Lee Sang-jae Yoko Hirohashi
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.2, pp.107-118, 2010-01-31

This article considers the definition of discriminatory language and related problems. Aspects considered are the history of discrimination which is reflected in discriminatory language, the intentional use of discriminatory language to oppose discrimination and, how the language points to the existence of discrimination. The limitations of discriminatory language being viewed as a legal problem are clarified, as is the necessity for dialog between the majority and minorities to resolve these issues. It is necessary to radically change the current social structures and social relations that cause discrimination in order to achieve a solution to this problem.
李 相済 廣橋 容子 リ サンジェ ヒロハシ ヨウコ Lee Sang-jae Yoko Hirohashi
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.2, pp.107-118, 2010-01-31

This article considers the definition of discriminatory language and related problems. Aspects considered are the history of discrimination which is reflected in discriminatory language, the intentional use of discriminatory language to oppose discrimination and, how the language points to the existence of discrimination. The limitations of discriminatory language being viewed as a legal problem are clarified, as is the necessity for dialog between the majority and minorities to resolve these issues. It is necessary to radically change the current social structures and social relations that cause discrimination in order to achieve a solution to this problem.
廣橋 容子 李 相済 ヒロハシ ヨウコ リ サンジェ Yoko Hirohashi Sang-jae Lee
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.1, pp.35-47, 2009-10-31

In this article, we make it clear that elderly people are placed in poorquality facilities with an unsuitable environment and are not treated with proper respect as human beings. And we point out that a delay in the improvement of welfare facilities for elderly people depended on policies. Visits to Savonlinna city in Finland were made in August 2008, with research being conducted at welfare facilities for the Elderly. The characteristics of the welfare facilities for elderly people in Finland are : 1. The care respected elderly people. 2. The switch from “a care offer type institution” to “an independence support model house”. From comparison with welfare facilities for elderly people in Finland, we explain the new role of welfare facilities for elderly people, and we also offer suggestions for the improvement of living conditions and environment of welfare facilities for the elderly.
加藤 千恵子 廣橋 容子 石川 貴彦 笹木 葉子 南山 祥子 佐々木 俊子 長谷川 博亮 結城 佳子 Cieko KATO Yoko HIROHASHI Takahiko ISHIKAWA Yoko SASAKI Shoko MINAMIYAMA Toshiko SASAKI Hiroaki HASEGAWA Yoshiko YUKI
紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University (ISSN:18817440)
vol.12, pp.63-76, 2018-03

妊婦100 人を対象にマイナートラブルの症状と指尖脈波の非線形解析の手法を用いて,妊娠前期,中期,後期の特徴を検証した。指尖脈波は,心の外部適応力(元気さ)の指標となる最大リアプノフ指数( LLE: Largest Lyapunov Exponent) と,交感神経と副交感神経の状態から自律神経バランス( Autonomic Nerve Balance)でストレスとリラックスの状態がわかる。その結果から,「理想ゾーン」36.3%,「準理想ゾーン」51.0%,「憂鬱ゾーン」3.9%,「本能のままゾーン」2.0% ,「気が張り詰めているゾーン」2.9%,「気が緩んでいるゾーン」3.9% の6 つの領域に分類できた。高ストレス者は3.0% が該当した。LLE 値の平均値は,妊娠前期5.18,中期4.84,後期4.05 で,妊娠経過に伴い心の元気度が有意に低下していた(p= 0.010)。また,疲労と抑鬱の測定値は有意に増加し(p= 0.027, p=0.006),リスクは増していた。妊娠初期のつわりの症状が,「倦怠感」「胃の不快」「面倒さ」に影響したことが示唆された。妊娠後期,一部の者は,経済的負担感が増していた。過去1か月間の疲労・不安・抑鬱の症状を自覚する割合に比べ, 現在の指尖脈波の測定値の方が有意に高く,疲労・不安・抑鬱のリスクは増していた。妊娠初期から人的・経済的基盤を中心とした支援を強化する必要がある。今後,妊婦健診などで指尖脈波やマイナートラブル評価尺度を活用して,可視化・客観視できる結果をもとに妊婦と共に振り返り,活用することが重要である。