吉永, 升庵


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The tragic fate of 矣, unread & belittled, a particula in every respect, far from perfect in the end. 当流伝記要撮抜書 @ https://t.co/bOH5EnpV6o https://t.co/k7TrmnEqZ5
The same names (including the cases of metathesis in the two names in ...cr[!]at[!]es), with some minor variations in spelling, also already occur earlier in the scroll: https://t.co/6feoa92j0M 迦阿礼奴須 辺津保賀天{連伊|礼}須 宗{家|賀}天礼須 阿{礼|連}{須|_}{唐|頭}天連寸 2/ https://t.co/jKAymzqGPt
Interesting (Dutch-based?) Japanese transcriptions of the names of Galenus, Hippocrates, Socrates and Aristotle in a late 17c manuscript. (Note also the shape of the diacritic corresponding to the modern handakuten, seen next to 保.) 当流伝記要撮抜書 @ https://t.co/cgHKg4MpL8 https://t.co/zEQEuzYhN0
当流伝記要撮抜書 https://t.co/zP41ZbKeee https://t.co/U3WT7bJ1yI
吉永升庵『当流伝記要撮抜書』(1681年)、長音符の初期使用例と考えられる「アバアカゾーン」が国立国会図書館デジタル化資料にてカラー画像で確認できる http://t.co/ShwknzAF 。詳しくは http://t.co/lN2A56Ui の第三章参照。

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