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ORIKUCHI Shinobu, also known as Shakuchoku, was a Japanese linguist, ethnologist and poet. On the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion), you can listen to him reciting his own tanka poems. #ndldigital Click to listen: https://t.co/amoeJwoQ9H https://t.co/SOBT5TPiaI
ORIKUCHI Shinobu, also known as Shakuchoku, was a Japanese linguist, ethnologist and poet. On the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion), you can listen to him reciting his own tanka poems. #ndldigital Click to listen: https://t.co/amoeJwoQ9H https://t.co/ggDIXXWgrA
ORIKUCHI Shinobu, also known as Shakuchoku, was a Japanese linguist, ethnologist and poet. On the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion), you can listen to him reciting his own tanka poems. #ndldigital Click to listen: https://t.co/amoeJwoQ9H https://t.co/tCm9HY9Yh0
ORIKUCHI Shinobu, also known as Shakuchoku, was a Japanese linguist, ethnologist and poet. On the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion), you can listen to him reciting his own tanka poems. #ndldigital Click to listen: https://t.co/amoeJwFTbH
さて、これを聴いた後に都会人を自認する迢空先生の朗読を聴いてみましょう(アララギは田舎人の集団だから……みたいなことを迢空が書いていた話は大辻さんの『アララギの脊梁』参照)。うまいし聴きやすい。後半の長歌部分は長歌を聴く楽しみがわかる気になってくる。 https://t.co/i0HGDLuVsG
万葉集辞典のpdf探すために一括検索をしていたら一件録音資料があって、何かと思ったら、ひぇ…… https://t.co/ueWl6Qs8BI
おりくちさんもいる。1:18辺り関西イントネーションでにこにこする。まあでも今の若者のイントネーションとはやっぱり違うな…じいちゃんばあちゃん世代のイントネーションだな… https://t.co/hAu7JhUDOK
あと私の推し文豪の釈迢空(折口信夫)ですね!!実装待ってます!!!! https://t.co/FvCv3lNq9z

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