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国会図書館デジタルコレクションの『耽奇漫録 20巻. 三』で確認できる宮本武蔵の木刀と肖像。 宮本武蔵が船嶋で巌流との試合に使った木大刀で今は小倉藩宮本氏の家にある旨の説明がある。今知られている巌流島で使ったとされる木刀とは違った形状。 https://t.co/5qMrTdGYMF https://t.co/aIhMMaIfxH
What are these bizarre objects? In the 19th century, some famous curious people regularly gathered to study and comment on rare objects and illustrations they brought, and summarized them into books. #ndldigital https://t.co/91ame3tt8F https://t.co/4TcIuNSgVG
What are these bizarre objects? In the 19th century, some famous curious people regularly gathered to study and comment on rare objects and illustrations they brought, and summarized them into books. #ndldigital https://t.co/91ame3L4xf https://t.co/gRCBweIyUn
@NDLJP_en Much more interesting if you ask me: a specimen of Manchu script, though not really Manchu language @ https://t.co/Vu0pBC2YtR. It's actually a poem by Wang Wei 王維 (699–759), the Chinese pronunciation of which is transcribed in Manchu script. 3/ https://t.co/skDz4mJX0d
@NDLJP_en Some more interesting stuff from the @NDLJP_en ms. of Tanki manroku 耽奇漫録 (1820s). First some clickbait -- a sort of cute (?!) portrait of Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 @ https://t.co/JT9kCszNe1 2/ https://t.co/5SzQHraRYu
耽奇漫録 20巻 https://t.co/GSJVLF5WEU https://t.co/5zoP6qwfUn

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