鼓 宗
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.45, pp.179-189, 2012-04

Ecuatorial (equatorial) is a long poem typical of the period when it was released in 1918 by Vicente Huidobro, the Chilean poet famous for his vanguard poem in Spanish, "Altazor." After he went to Europe in 1916 Huidobro wrote poems in French and aggressively pursued 'creacionismo' (creationism) – in other words, cubism in poems, at least at that time – in progressive works such as "Horizon carré" (square horizon). But with 'Ecuatorial' he returned to using Spanish. This work, which occasioned all kinds of praise and censure because of their experimentation, is heavily tinged with the anxiety people felt due to by World War I. This paper discusses the meaning of the title of the poem and then clarifies what "Ecuatorial" intends to say based on the hint derived from the image that the word "airplane" bears in this poem.


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世界終末の詩 : ビセンテ・ウイドブロ作『赤道儀』著者鼓 宗雑誌名関西大学東西学術研究所紀要巻45ページ179-189発行年2012-04その他のタイトルPoema del fin del mundo: Ecuatorial de VicenteHuidobro https://t.co/jdBWvTAxHD

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