田澤 実
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493051)
vol.18, no.2, pp.15-29, 2021-03

This study investigated and clarified how flood survivors narrate stories of their disaster experiences. Previous studies have indicated two types of collective representations: those derived from shared perceptual experiences and those derived from shared conceptual propositions. We conducted a quantitative text analysis of survivors’ reports of Typhoon Kathleen in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, about their experiences. In Study 1, we analyzed the entire narration for co-occurrence networks, and in Study 2, we analyzed noun frequencies of only passages in which survivors directly mention the disaster. The results indicated that the survivors of Typhoon Kathleen mainly developed representations derived from shared conceptual propositions and relatively few representations of shared perceptual experiences. We have discussed these results from the perspective of community disaster prevention.


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紀要の最新号が「法政大学学術機関リポジトリ」でも公開されました。 https://t.co/yxbML2piuL 田澤実 2021「水害はいかに語られるか-栃木県足利市にけるカスリーン台風を事例にして-」『生涯学習とキャリアデザイン』18(2),15-29. https://t.co/YF4qolIZnP

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