岡田 政則 平石 邦彦 國藤 進
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.61-66, 2009-03-30

The rewarding system using IC cards has been installed and is being tried out in Kanazawa Gakuin University. The purpose of this system needs to encourage students fairly, at an appropriate and in their behavior. The system accumulate points according to a student’s behaviour. We will hand over some goods in exchange for points which each students got. Now we use a gift certificate for books as some goods. We expect that student’s school life style habits would improve better, as a result they could progress in their studies. As a result of this tryout, the medium class student might improve their habbits of the study especially.


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[研究][無料論文] JAIST Repository: ICカードを利用した報奨システムの試みと評価 // インセンティブ付与による行動変化について

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