白肌 邦生
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学

発明・発見をもたらした際の企業内研究開発人材の課題認識とその対応行動を明らかにするため,国内の科学技術学会賞受賞者706名にアンケート調査を実施した.調査分析の結果,(1)課題認識の多様性,(2)課題克服行動を支える3つの行動要素,(3)課題認識と行動戦略の対応関係,を明らかにした.本成果は発明・発見行動研究のみならず,効果的研究開発コーチングの展開にも寄与することが期待できる. : The aim of this paper is to reveal a corporate R&D personnel's way of thinking and behavior when they break through a difficult problem and achieve an invention or a discovery. We conducted questionnaire survey about invention and discovery activities for 706 corporate R&D personnel who wined a prize in Japanese leading academies. As a result of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, we clarified following three points: diverse way of thinking about the difficult problem, three basic behavioral elements behind breakthrough action, and relationship between recognition and approach to problem. Our findings can function as the first step in R&D coaching study.
舟本 直 杉山 公造
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.119-126, 2009-03-30

In this study, we constructed and evaluated a place of group discussion in the lecture using Table Top Interface. First, we constructed some sets of system for supporting group discussions. Then, we researched which sets of system are useful for supporting group discussion when we tried to use these systems in our laboratory’s seminar. Finally, we evaluated a value of supporting group discussion in classes with evaluation forms and interviews for students and a lecturer. In addition, we analyzed conversations in some lectures quantitatively and qualitatively.
中沢 正江 池田 満
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.205-211, 2009-03-30

It is quite difficult for a student as a novice researcher to refine his/her own concern to research idea: the academic question which fulfill research requirements, such as originality and feasibility. In particular, we focus on the difficulty of knowledge acquisition about what research requirements are, and how research requirements relate each other. In this study, we develop the concept map (we call “Research-Idea Map”) based on “Research-Idea Ontology” to facilitate the novice’s self-reflection for his/her knowledge acquisition mentioned above. This paper discusses about the support methodology for the novice’s thinking-process using “Research-Idea Map” and “Research-Idea Ontology”.
山崎 竜二 藤波 努
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.24-31, 2008-03-14

近年、急増する認知症高齢者をめぐり、行政課題として認知症・介護の予防事業が喫緊のものとして浮上してきた。市と連携した事業の検討からアクション・リサーチを進め、コミュニティ・ケアの方法論を探る。本研究の目的は高齢者の秘めた力を引き出し有効に活用すると同時に、認知症高齢者が地域に受け容れられる仕掛けとしての社会システムを構築することにある。プロジェクト全体の流れをつくる第一段階と、予防事業における問題の本質を探る第二段階に分かれる。まず回想法を発展させ、児童が校区高齢者の体験談を作品化し、創作劇を媒体に認知症高齢者とのセッションを行う手法を取った。高齢者の思い出という知識資源を子どもの教育に活用し、認知症高齢者の秘めた力を発揮できる環境を整えて身近な理解が地域の人々に浸透する仕組みを築いた。認知症やその状態にある人に対して、実際セッション前に児童の多くは病態としての理解を得てもなお恐怖や哀れみを記述していた。この検討課題を考慮し、プロジェクトの第二段階として論点の深化を図る。認知症の病気としての説明以前に、さまざまな不自由を抱えていく老いの捉え方を主題として取り上げ、高齢者と子どもと共に老いゆくことの価値を探る。本プロジェクトにおける地域社会のシステム構築はその枠組みに加え、この臨床哲学の取組みを内実として予防事業に本質的な方向性を付与するものである。人々が世代を越え、認知症の人と共に生きるなかで価値観を成熟させる創造的なコミュニティのあり方を検討し、少子高齢社会に対応する社会システム構築の根底的な論点を追究する。 : In Japan, dementia prevention is an urgent issue and the importance of the prevention is emphasized by Government policy. We explored the possibility and direction of the prevention project. The purpose of our study is to investigate how the latent ability of elderly people can be brought out and the elderly with dementia can be accepted by neighbours without prejudice. Our approach is to shape a community with children at its centre. Making use of knowledge resources of elderly people can be promoted by transmitting their experience to children. Moreover, creative dramas collaborated by children and elderly become media by which they communicate with the elderly with dementia. Through the inter-generational communication project, children's conception of the elderly with dementia may be spread to their parents and those around them. As a first step, we constructed a framework of the social system which realizes this process of the project. It was shown by statistics that the children's images towards the elderly with dementia changed positively through the project. However, it remained a difficult issue how to take up the theme of dementia. Most of the children wrote their feelings of fear about dementia and pity for the person, even after they understood dementia as disease separated from the person. As a second step, we introduced a program for children and their related adults to think about the values of ageing, in which we face with various inconvenience. We approach the investigation of the point at issue philosophically, and focus on the viewpoint which is required to accept the elderly with dementia.
三浦 元喜 杉原 太郎 三村 修 國藤 進
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.45-52, 2009-03-30

Usually practitioner of KJ method utilizes paper labels and four-colored ball-point pens to externalize their thoughts and ideas during the process. The similar approach and method are taken in group KJ lessons. However the conventional way restricts effective capturing and sharing of outcomes due to the large paper size. Considering merits of the conventional paper-and-pen approach and the demand for quick sharing of outcomes after the session, we have designed and implemented a system to digitize the group KJ session not only the outcomes but also detailed creative work processes. We employ digital pens to capture position and orientation of labels as well as the contents written on the labels during the session. We confirmed the efficiency of our system from several KJ sessions.
岡田 政則 平石 邦彦 國藤 進
日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
pp.61-66, 2009-03-30

The rewarding system using IC cards has been installed and is being tried out in Kanazawa Gakuin University. The purpose of this system needs to encourage students fairly, at an appropriate and in their behavior. The system accumulate points according to a student’s behaviour. We will hand over some goods in exchange for points which each students got. Now we use a gift certificate for books as some goods. We expect that student’s school life style habits would improve better, as a result they could progress in their studies. As a result of this tryout, the medium class student might improve their habbits of the study especially.