酒井 志郎 佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.17, pp.130-157, 1977-11-30

This Report aims to study about the Swimming Curriculum in the training Cource for primary School teacher in Japan. Collected Rate by mailed questinnaire are as 80.4% (37/46) of National universities and 56.25% (9/16) of private colleges. According to our studies approximately 70.2% of National universities Swimming curriculum is as a necessary Subject, 24.3% as an elective subject, and have no Swimming curriculum 5.5%. About contents of swimming curriculum many universities Lecture on 「swimming Medicine」 (92.3%), 「Method of swimmig coach」 (34.6%), 「Swimming Administration」 (42.3%) and 「Science of Swimming」 (34.6%), and to practice such as crawl stroke. Back stroke. Breast stroke, side stroke and so on. But Butterfly stroke is not one of a main program.


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教員の水泳の技能・指導能力について、 泳ぎと救命のスキルある人こんだけなのに、子供にとって安全で有意義な授業出来るん?教職課程の見直し必要ちゃう?土日に海行くとか、大学も学生側にも負担やし。…という面白いレポを見つけた。40数年前のだけど。 ▶︎ https://t.co/SW1RMJjDsL https://t.co/6tMgPUbR4m

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