田代 ひとみ
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:13406493)
no.16, pp.75-97, 2009-03

This paper attempts to identify problems in opinion essays, comparing writing of high scores (=H-writings) and writing of low scores (=L-writings), and H-writing and writing answering a question (=AQ-writing). In the quantitative analysis, there was little difference in the average number of logical expressions between H-writing and L-writing, and between H-writing and AQ-writing. In the qualitative analysis, adequate grounds for argument or explicit answers to the question were seldom seen in L-writing and AQ-writing even though logical linguistic expressions were used with equal frequency in H-writing. These results suggest that it is necessary to focus on coherence of content to develop second language writing skills.


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第25回 #みん論 は日本時間の10月23日(土)21:00からです。課題論文はこちら。はじめましての方もお久しぶりの方も、ご興味があれば是非ご参加ください〜! 田代ひとみ(2009).読み手の評価別に見た日本語学習者の意見文の問題点.https://t.co/hkyLd1KyHz

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