石井 照久 大澤 佳奈 羽田 麻里子 ISHII Teruhisa OOSAWA Kana HADA Mariko
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:13485296)
vol.69, pp.113-120, 2014-03-31

From Lake Hachiro in Akita Prefecture, one compound hydra, Cordylophora japonica, was reported in 1976 (Toriumi, 1976). On the other hand, Ishii has been seeing solitary hydras in Lake Hachiro since 1996, however, he had not investigated those hydras. In this report, two species of freshwater solitary hydras have been described. In this report, taxonomy of Hydras in Japan is based on the reports by Ito (1947a-d). Hydra magnipapillata and Hydra japonica collected from Lake Hachiro in 2011-2012 had been firstly reported of living in Akita Prefecture.


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ヒドラについて調べていたら衝撃的な記述が… 「ヤマトヒドラに特徴的な触手の分岐が見られた」 https://t.co/mh7R96ahct 触手が分岐しているヒドラなんて見たことないですが…? 私はまだヤマトヒドラに出会ったことがないのか…?

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