西台 満 NISHIDAI Michiru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.1-5, 2012-03-01

A person who gains a profit without a legal cause commits “the unjust enrichment” in Civil Law. He is required to recover the original condition by compensating the other party for his loss.The profit to be restored, however, is limited to “as much as existing” when he is asked for compensation, provided that he made the profit in good faith. Good faith means that he received the goods or money believing that he was entitled to do so.Money spent for amusements is commonly considered “not existing” so that he doesn't have to return it to the opponent. On the other hand, money spent for living expenses is counted “existing”, because it lets him escape paying the same sum of money from his savings.I take objection to such common view in this paper. Profiteer should pay the whole amount of ill-gotten gains including the amusement expense. But he doesn't have to return even the living expenses, when he has no means. I interpret that this is just the effect of good faith.
小倉 拓也 OGURA Takuya
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.33-40, 2021-03-01

Erwin Straus est connu pour son concept de l’espace du paysage, qui est présenté dans son magnum opus, Du sens des sens (1935), et qui a influencé ses contemporains. Cependant, il a été élaboré à travers ses théories précédentes sur le spatial, notamment celle développée dans « Les formes du spatial » (1930) où ce concept n’est pas présenté comme tel. Straus y fait une distinction entre l’espace optique et l’espace acoustique, induit par une analyse phénoménologique des modes de manifestation de la couleur et du son. C’est ainsi la distinction qui conduit à la formulation ultérieure de l’espace du paysage. Dans cet essai, étude préliminaire pour comprendre le concept de l’espace du paysage, nous proposons une lecture fondamentale de son article de 1930.
長谷川 章 ХАСЭГАВА Акира
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:24334979)
vol.73, pp.69-75, 2018-02-23

О персонах советской анимации, как Чебурашка, Карлсон, Винни-Пух, русскими и зарубежными зрителями часто указываются свойственное настроение, как грусть, заброшенность. Автор раньше попробовал объяснить о причинах такого настроения с точек зрения одиночества детей, живущих в 60-70-ые годы, и чувств разочарования шестидесятников, которые нашли надежду в оттепели. В настоящей статье автор снова пересматривает о связи между анимацией и советским обществом, включая рассмотрение о вопросах идентичности еврейских аниматоров, которые американский исследователь Кац недавно ставит в своей монографии « Закрывать занавеску: Евреи и золотой век советской анимации »(2016).
渡辺 雄介 松本 奈緒 WATANABE Yusuke MATSUMOTO Naho
vol.74, pp.129-144, 2019-03-01

It was known that sports coach, instructor, teacher has a particular belief and ideas to teach sports performance, lead athlete to better physical and mental condition, facilitate organic training programs. In this study, it was focused to reveal sports coach’s beliefs and tactics in local pole vault club through in-depth interviews include viewpoints life history research. The dates were taken from seven times interviews account for five hours and forty minutes. Outcomes said as below: This coach’s life experience as bread sales person. The effects to this belief making remarkable results as coach leads to other’s trusts. Thinking practice longer and harder lead to good record for all athlete not having much talents. The Mental facilitation is important to enhance self-trust through sports carrier not only to be good athlete but also to be tough person can make decision in their own futures.
立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.57-66, 2012-03-01

There were two psychologists, Karl Buhler and Alfred Adler, who had taught Popper. Popper rarely confessed his intellectual debt, but he exceptionally said that he owed to Karl Buhler. On the other hand, Popper condemned Adler's Individual Psychology as a pseudo-science. However, as we read Adler, we are surprised to find that Popper was greatly influenced by Adler in various points such as the logic of social situation, optimism, the regulative idea of the absolute truth, the view of science as modified commonsense and so on. Popper accepted Buhler’s psychology of learning. Viewing from these contexts, it seems to us that Popper’s thought was not original at all. However Popper changed the psychology of learning into the logic of scientific learning and proposed falsificationist methodology of science. His originality is found in this point.
萩原 史朗 HAGIHARA Shiro
vol.74, pp.61-70, 2019-03-01

This paper examines the economic ripple effect and the cost-effectiveness ratio on soccer stadium newly established in Akita, using input-output analysis. First, I estimate the cost-effectiveness ratio when a domed stadium is built for 11 billion yen. I show that it is very low both when the construction costs are financed by only Akita prefecture and when the partial amount of it are granted by the subsidies of the Sports Promotion Lottery toto.Next, I estimate the cost-effectiveness ratio when a non-domed stadium is constructed for 8 billion yen. As a benchmark, I firstly show that it is inadequate to construct a new stadium by only public funds of Akita prefecture, since the cost-effectiveness ratio is very low. I secondly show that the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the production-induced effect is 0.74 and it measured by the added-value-induced effect is 0.37, when the earmarked grant for the social infrastructures is used. Hence, it is required to raise private funds of 0.75 billion yen for the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the production-induced effect to be over 1 and to collect it of 2.7 billion yen for the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the added-value-induced effect to be over 1. I thirdly show that the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the production-induced effect is 0.58 and it measured by the added-valueinduced effect is 0.29, when the subsidy of the Sports Promotion Lottery toto is utilized. Therefore, it is necessary to raise additional private funds of 1.64 billion yen for the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the productioninduced effect to be over 1 and to collect it of 3.31 billion yen for the cost-effectiveness ratio measured by the added-value-induced effect to be over 1.
藤本 恵子 池本 敦 FUJIMOTO Keiko IKEMOTO Atsushi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 自然科学 (ISSN:24334960)
no.75, pp.1-11, 2020-03-01

The edible wild plants were anciently important food materials as sources of nutrients such as vitamins but their utilization has been decreasing in the present day. To elucidate the utilization of edible wild plants in Akita prefecture of Japan, we performed questionary survey targeting at the inhabitants of the wide age age group. Elatostema umbellatum (“Mizu”), Osmunda japonica (Asian royal fern, "Zenmai") and Oenanthe javanica, (Java waterdropwort. “Seri”) were eaten well most. Laportea cuspidate (“Aiko”), Parasenecio hastatus (“Honna”) and Parasenecio delphiniifolius (“Shidoke”) were utilized well in Tohoku region and their rate of experiences of eating exceeded 70%. It is observed that Chenopodium album (white goosefoot, “Shiroza”) grows on the roadside in Japan, but 82.4% of the inhabitants did not know that they were edible. We also performed questionary survey in Bangladesh, where Chenopodium album is cultivated and eaten well. In our investigation, all Bangladeshi had the experiences of eating and it was used as a materials of the traditional cuisine such as sauteed vegetables, bhorta and curry. The values of Chenopodium album as foods in emergency and its availabilities as the teaching materials for safeguard against disaster were also discussed.
長谷川 章 ХАСЭГАВА Акира
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.63-67, 2021-03-01

Настоящая статья посвящается истории по приемам и пере-творчествам образов советской звезды рока-музыки Виктора Цоя. В современной России XXI века разные тенденции используют образы Цоя в виде своего политического сторонника. В этой статье автор рассматривает о начале первых образов этого певца в фильмах «Асса» С. Соловьева и «Игла» Р. Нугманова, одновременно сравнивая героя в фильме «Брат» А. Балабанова, чью роль играл актер С. Бодров-младший, погибший в катастрофе в молодом возрасте , как Цой.
小倉 拓也 OGURA Takuya
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.33-40, 2021-03-01

Erwin Straus est connu pour son concept de l'espace du paysage, qui est présenté dans son magnum opus, Du sens des sens (1935), et qui a influencé ses contemporains. Cependant, il a été élaboré à travers ses théories précédentes sur le spatial, notamment celle développée dans « Les formes du spatial » (1930) où ce concept n'est pas présenté comme tel. Straus y fait une distinction entre l'espace optique et l'espace acoustique, induit par une analyse phénoménologique des modes de manifestation de la couleur et du son. C'est ainsi la distinction qui conduit à la formulation ultérieure de l'espace du paysage. Dans cet essai, étude préliminaire pour comprendre le concept de l'espace du paysage, nous proposons une lecture fondamentale de son article de 1930.
長谷川 章 ХАСЭГАВА Акира
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:24334979)
vol.73, pp.69-75, 2018-02-23

О персонах советской анимации, как Чебурашка, Карлсон, Винни-Пух, русскими и зарубежными зрителями часто указываются свойственное настроение, как грусть, заброшенность. Автор раньше попробовал объяснить о причинах такого настроения с точек зрения одиночества детей, живущих в 60-70-ые годы, и чувств разочарования шестидесятников, которые нашли надежду в оттепели. В настоящей статье автор снова пересматривает о связи между анимацией и советским обществом, включая рассмотрение о вопросах идентичности еврейских аниматоров, которые американский исследователь Кац недавно ставит в своей монографии « Закрывать занавеску: Евреи и золотой век советской анимации »(2016).
中尾 信一 NAKAO Shinichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.57-62, 2021-03-01

"Violence" in film has been depicted in various ways. In this essay, we will discuss how "violence," especially "people's uprising," is represented in a film Joker (2019). The film tells a story about how a protagonist named Arthur Fleck became Joker as a typical "villain" in "Batman" movies. His violence seems meaningless, but it has one moment when our ordinary recognition of "violence" transforms. By arguing the reversal of its meaning, we will explore a possibility and limit of "violence" in film.
松本 奈緒 MATSUMOTO Naho
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.71, pp.59-69, 2016-03-01

This study shows students' conception of rhythmical dance class with developmental teaching devise to usemovement variations in creating group dance work through cards and XBOX 360 Kinect dance application atUniversity dance class. The subject were nine students of third grade, most of them already had experienced withprior dance class experience at school before, who liked dance but did not think be evaluate themselves to be goodat dance based on a pre-study questionnaire. Method was inductive analysis students' free comments throughballoon method handling by one dance education specialist. From 154 students' comments big 74 concept and 10small concept emerged as results. In this study, it was found that developmental teaching devise with cards andKinect dance application led student from conceptual understanding to gave them the ability to do a variety ofmovements on cue, repeat it many times, and understand some points in comparison with model's movement. Asrhythmical dance characteristic, students expressed their conceptions about dance such as dance as whole bodyvigorous exercise, understanding how to move, difficulty in movement, awareness of body and body parts,movement in relation to rhythm and mood, motivation for independent and continuous study, peer leaningeffectiveness about various movement and expression with other person. A limitation of this way of learning is thelack of a step-by-step guide in mimicking the movements. As the class progressed, students' conception ofmovement shifted from just affection to deeper thinking and understanding about movement variation and how tomove, and finally reach to attaining feeling of accomplishment. Negative thinking and difficulty with unison,moving to music, and creating group dance work emerged but it caused from deeper thinking about movement andhow to move, thus it must being connected to productive movement leaning.
池本 敦 IKEMOTO Atsushi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:13485296)
no.69, pp.121-129, 2014-03-31

Omega 3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids such as α-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) show many beneficial effects for human health. However, omega 6 (n-6) fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid have the physiological effects opposite to omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore the essential fatty acid balance (n-6/n-3 ratio) is an important factor to evaluate the nutritional effect of dietary fats and oils. In this study, we collected health foods and dietary supplements containing omega 3 fatty acid and analyzed fatty acid composition and essential fatty acid n-6/n-3 balance. Approximately 200 kinds of products were available at the local market and we classified these products in four types (capsule type, drink type, edible oil type, and natural food type). The omega 3 fatty acid contents were high and omega 6 contents were low in the capsule type (DHA/EPA type). On the other hand, the omega 6 contents were high and omega 3 contents were low in the capsule type (other ingredients mixture/other fatty acids mixture type). The drink type showed effective fatty acid balances, but the absolute contents of omega 3 were low. The products except the perilla oil in the edible oil type had higher amount of omega 6 fatty acids. The levels of DHA and EPA were relatively low and the levels of omega 6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid were high in the natural food type (DHA/EPA type). In contrast, contents of linoleic acid were relatively low and contents of α-linolenic acid were high in the food type (α-linolenic acid type). The n-6/n-3 ratio of the Japanese average meal was 4.942. Essential fatty acid balance was improved most effectively using the products in the capsule type (DHA/EPA type).
服部 裕 HATTORI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.54, pp.37-43, 1999-03-29

Die beiden Filme, "Modern Times" und "Metropolis" , teilen dasselbe Thema, das in der Kritik an der kapitalistischen modernen Zivilisation besteht. Im kritischen Licht stellen sie die mechanisierte Lage der Menschen in der hochindustrialisierten Gesellschaft dar, die Entfremdung und Manipulierung des Individuums verursacht. Welche Weltanschauung und welches Werturteil die beiden Filme in ihren Zivilisationskritiken zeigen, ist jedoch anders, ja sogar gegensä tzlich. Einerseits wurzelt die Zivilisationskritik in "Modern Times" im Glauben an den Individualismus, andererseits beruht diejenige in"Metropolis" auf dem Autoritarismus. Chaplin sucht in "Modern Times" ständig als Individuum seine Freiheit zu erringen, während die Menschen in "Metropolis" nur erwarten, aus ihrer unterdrückten Lagegerettet zu werden, indem sie sich "einen guten Herrscher" wünschen, der sie zu ihrer Befreiung führen sollte. Diese gegensätzlichen Einstellungen zum Leben, die trotz derselben Zeitlage parallel bestehen,werden nicht auf verschiedene persönliche Weltanschauungen der beiden Filmautoren, C. Chaplin und F. Lang, zurückgeführt, sondern spiegeln die gegensä tzlichen Weltanschauungen der Gesellschaften wider,in denen die beiden Regisseure lebten.
中尾 信一 NAKAO Shinichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.57-62, 2021-03-01

“Violence” in film has been depicted in various ways. In this essay, we will discuss how “violence,” especially “people’s uprising,” is represented in a film Joker (2019). The film tells a story about how a protagonist named Arthur Fleck became Joker as a typical “villain” in “Batman” movies. His violence seems meaningless, but it has one moment when our ordinary recognition of “violence” transforms. By arguing the reversal of its meaning, we will explore a possibility and limit of “violence” in film.
大橋 純一 OHASHI Junichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.77, pp.29-38, 2022-03-01

In the past, the /-i/ /-u/ of the Hokuo dialect became a central or low vowel, and its appearance, where it is unified with /-i/, has been focused on as one of the dialect’s distinctive characteristics in terms of speech sounds. However, concerning said dialect, when studying this phenomenon with a large number of people, variety emerges even in the same generation, and it is difficult to collectively state that the characteristic belongs to just one generation. Regarding the various aspects of the Hokuo dialect’s /-i/ /-u/ in the decline process, this paper aims to investigate the current characteristics in a comparative manner by providing a framework beforehand of the stages of change seen and the nature thereof—using previous studies as references—and analyzing the multiple pronunciations of utterances that have been classified into each stage. In relation to the current situation of dialects that feature complex aspects, the above can also be considered a new endeavor associated with the method of understanding collected data, or the procedure of analyzing said data, to ascertain the essence of what occurs in such situations.
松本 奈緒 MATSUMOTO Naho
no.72, pp.111-122, 2017-03-01

The purpose of this study was to grasp actual state of student's learning on rhythmic dance through balloon method at a junior high school. Subjects was 72 third-year students, who was 34 boys and 38 girls. For analyze conception of students, as method balloon method was used in which students fill out free description, and it was taken after every dance class. This was analyzed from one dance researcher who working at University with ensuring trustworthiness member check was conducted. As a result 1141 description emerged. This result suggest that students accept this rhythmic dance learning as enjoyable fun activities; recognition of many variety of movement and vocabulary for layer movement variation and quality; creation movement and choreography with good cooperation; effect and regarding important on music; good learning way practice-refine-complete-public performance; exchange and co-learning with other persons; effective utilization learning materials witch were movement cards, dance game KinectXbox360 and tablet video recorder; several difficulty for learning. The limitation of this study was subject number and better study would be with analyzed with interviews.
佐藤 猛 SATO Takeshi
no.74, pp.45-54, 2019-03-01

À la fin du Moyen Âge en France, l'État angevin a été d'une grande étendue. Il comprenait l'Anjou et le Maine en France du Nord, la Lorraine et le Bar en l'Est, la Provence et la Naples au bord de la Méditerranée sous le règne du duc René d'Anjou (1434-1480). Comment il a gouverné ses sujets qui disposaient de traditions politiques et culturelles fort différentes. Ses vastes territoires le forçaient à s'appuyer des « serviteurs » dans toutes les terres. Depuis une trentaine d'années, les historiens les définissent comme des hommes qui ont participé directement ou indirectement à l'exercice du prince. La famille de Beauvau est un des « serviteurs » puissants qui ont bien servi et travaillé pour René. À la fin du 14e siècle, elle a été une petite noblesse dans le duché d'Anjou où elle a eu une terre patrimoniale. Mais son membre est devenu un des plus importants entourages au règne de René. Le seigneur de Beauvau Louis, avec son frère Jean, fut nominé à un des membres d'une commission pour réformer les coutumes d'Anjou le 6 octobre 1458. Ils ont rempli successivement un office de sénéchal d'Anjou et de Provence au milieu du 15e siècle.