磯村 正樹 鈴木 裕子
愛知教育大学研究報告. 教育科学編 (ISSN:18845142)
vol.67, no.1, pp.95-102, 2018-03-01

This study aims to demonstrate the factors that cause five-year-old children to derive joy from that of other children. Examples were collected over a year with regard to a class of five-year-old children for whom the principal author was responsible, and these examples were analyzed and discussed. As a result, as potential factors prompting children to derive joy from others, analysis was carried out on behavior toward other children, the behavior’s intention, identical experience, shared aims and behavior, sustained interest in other children, and chance. It was shown that the involvement of a mix of factors caused children to derive joy from that of other children, and it was suggested that such occurrences are related to a child’s sense of being useful, and his or her empathy and sympathy toward positive emotions.


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自分の探究しているそれとは少し違うが構造的にこのような仕組みに近い働きが生じる気がする。 >自分は他児の役に立っているという実感から、幼児の行動の動機が内在化され、自己有用感が育まれると考えられる。 『5歳児における他児の喜びを自らの喜びと感じる姿の実相』 https://t.co/dIiPj3nNWl

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