家永 遵嗣 水野 圭士 林 哲民 タトヤン ディミトリ 小口 康仁 野里 顕士郎 熊谷 すずみ 安達 悠奈
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.17, pp.157-189, 2019-03

標題の史料を翻刻・提示し、主な問題点三点について解説した。 第一に、清原良賢が足利将軍家に奉仕するようになる契機が、持明院統の皇位継承争いのなかで、義満が良賢を後円融上皇・後小松天皇の支持者として固定しようとしたことにあったこと。第二に、標題の史料から、永徳元年に義満が編成した家政機関の政所別当一五名・侍所別当一〇名を特定でき、弁官系諸家を糾合することで崇光上皇の院政を阻止する布石であったとみられること。第三に、成立期の「室町殿」に「障子上」「侍所」が設けられていたことから、室町殿における公卿の家礼と殿上人の家司との意思疎通と連繫が窺い知れること。以上、標題の史料の重要性について解説した。|These three documents are related to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s “Ninnkai Daikyou,” a celebration banquet for taking up the third ministe “NaiDaijinn,” in Eitoku 1(A.D. 1381). From these three documents, we can know about Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s “Kugeka,” becoming a ruler over the royal court. In those days, the “Hokucho” royal court was struggling for the royal throne. One was a descendant from Gokougonn Tennou, the other was Sukou Jyoukou, the elder brother of Gokougonn Tennou, and his son Yoshihito. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was a nephew of Gokougonn Tennou. Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu supported Goennyuu Tennou, the son of Gokougonn Tennou, in cooperation with Nijyou Yoshimoto, a man of power in the “Hokucho” royal court. In preparing the “Ninnkai Daikyou” banquet, Yoshimitsu took talented court nobles as his manservants, such as Kiyohara Yoshikata, the original author of “Shoninndaikyouki”. Therefore, Sukou Jyoukou lost his power in the royal court. Then Gokomatsu Tennou, son of Goennyuu Tennou, was able to take the throne in Eitoku 2(A.D. 1382). These three documents reveal 25 people who bacame Yoshimitsu’s manservants. A transcriptor commented on each person’s kinship and the relationship between each person and his masters. And these three Documents reveal the location of the “Shoujinoue” and “Samuraidokoro,” the offices of the manservants, in “Muromachidono,” the palace of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. They suggest the way in which Yoshimitsu came to understandings with his retainers.


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【メモ】家永 遵嗣 , 水野 圭士 , 林 哲民 , ほか「<資料解題>解説と翻刻 国立公文書館所蔵『初任大饗記』, 国立歴史民俗博物館所蔵『義満公任槐召仰議并大饗雑事記』 : 付 国立国会図書館所蔵『永享四七廿五室町殿御亭〈大饗指図〉」(『人文』第17号、2019年)https://t.co/9TmGtqJ546

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