安部 清哉
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.9, pp.7-33, 2011-03-28

This paper will examine features related to the geographical distribution of Japanese adjectives used to express sense of taste, including Amai, Karai, Suppai, Nigai, and others, that are problematic in a historical linguistics context pertaining to the roots of Japanese language. In particular, it has been proven that the etymology of“ *sukwa-shi( <suppa-i, <sukka-i)” in the East-Japanese dialect, Chinese “酢”, and “*sem” of Proto-Austronesian (PAN) language have the identical root and origin, and that the etymology of“ su-shi( < su-i)” in the West-Japanese dialect is Chinese“ 酸”. It has also been demonstrated that the roots of these adjectives have the same origin in Asian Language. In addition, by examining the etymology of these adjectives, this paper will describe that a cross structure composed of four words is the prototype lexical structure of Japanese basic adjectives. Keywords: geographical distribution, Japanese adjectives, sense of taste, Amai, Karai, Suppai, Nigai, etymology,“ *Sukwa-shi( <suppa-i, <sukka-i)” as for sour,“ Su-shi( <su-i)” as for sour,“ 酢”,“ 酸”, prototype structure, basic adjectives.


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ちょっとガチの分布を見つけてきました https://t.co/WbwO43oQId https://t.co/VodoQTqCwj
千葉含め南関東の一部でも塩味を「からい」って言うんすね~ (https://t.co/07PGa8UedS, リンク先PDF) https://t.co/ZDrTxWZQTc
@helldonguri 鹹味と酸味でしょー。どうしてこの形容詞がなかったのかなあ。あったんかなあ。このへんがいいとこ突いてるのだけど。https://t.co/RLJSFunoGx
@sina_lana これを見ると、「しょっぱい」(塩辛い)は関東方言、東北の一部では「しょっぽい」が使われているらしい。しかし「シホハユシ」(舌痒し/舌がムズムズする)が語源。「すっぱい」は「スッカシ」「す+はゆし」(酢が映える)「スハハユシ」(舌痒し)の3説があるらしい。 https://t.co/aLFoSLwxS1

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