久保山 健 堀 一成 坂尻 彰宏 クボヤマ タケシ ホリ カズナリ サカジリ アキヒロ Kuboyama Takeshi Hori Kazunari Sakajiri Akihiro
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.3, pp.33-43, 2015-03-31

This paper describes a basic lecture on presentation as extracurricular education at the Osaka University Library, and the follow-up surveys to the lecture. Many university libraries in Japan have been working on learning support for years. Osaka University Library and the Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences have been cooperating closely to implement writing support activities as extracurricular education since 2010. In 2011, a lecture on logical speaking was launched. The goal of the lecture was learning basic skills for logical speaking. According to questionnaire survey which was carried out after each class, the lecture seemed quite useful for participants. In 2014, the follow-up surveys were conducted to evaluate how beneficial the lectures proved for the participants. It is understood that the participants gained considerable benefit from the lecture. This paper, firstly offers the details of “Introduction to Presentation: Basic Skills for Logical Speaking,” and then describes the result of the follow-up surveys. The lecture was delivered by the first author of this paper.


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“大阪大学リポジトリ: 図書館スタッフによる学修支援の実践,および事後評価 : 「プレゼン入門:話す基本技術」” http://t.co/azrKUFMQQT
“大阪大学リポジトリ: 図書館スタッフによる学修支援の実践,および事後評価 : 「プレゼン入門:話す基本技術」” http://t.co/Bb684qsUk6 #図書館

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